Some conservative black activists are outraged at Al Sharpton’s latest incident of race-baiting.
Over the years, Sharpton has earned a reputation of playing the race card to score political points. On Wednesday, during his eulogy for Tyre Nichols – the young black man who had been beaten by five black police officers during a traffic stop in Memphis – Sharpton made this statement:
Sharpton: “I can’t speak for everybody in Memphis. I can’t speak for everybody gathering. But for me, I believe if that man had been white, you wouldn’t have beat him like that that night.”
Bishop E.W. Jackson is the host of “The Awakening” on American Family Radio. Knowing Sharpton’s reputation, Jackson predicted the left-leaning civil rights leader would bring division.
“And so he has,” Jackson tells AFN. “[Sharpton] is the high priest of the cult of racial grievance – and even when there’s no racial element to the story, he’s got to introduce it because he’s the high priest of that cult.”
In doing that, Jackson adds, Sharpton performed a “disservice” to the entire country. “Because we’re all unified in wanting our police officers to conduct themselves with integrity, as most do,” he states.
Tim Parrish is a member of the national advisory council for the Project 21 Black Leadership Network. The remarks by the “race-baiter in chief” – as he describes Sharpton – do nothing but fuel the fire of racism.
“I’m actually outraged – and I join thousands of other black Americans who are outraged by his comments,” Parrish shares. “This guy … is using the pain of this family, who’s suffering the loss of one of their loved ones, to pay his bills.”
Sharpton’s bottom line, he says, is based on race-baiting. “[He’s] traveling the country to funerals of black men to make these sort of incendiary comments,” adds Parrish.
Project 21 chairman Horace Cooper stated on Fox News just last month that “race grifters” like Sharpton don’t speak for the majority of black Americans. Sharpton, he said, tells “wokesters and white liberals” whatever they want to hear “because that’s where the cash is.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
If he’s in it for the money, why hasn’t he paid his back taxes? The rest of us would be locked up if we did the same thing. Guess it pays to be a black race baiter
Sharpton cares for no one but his time in the spotlight and the figures in his bank accounts.
He doesn’t give a hoot for his own people, especially. We must never forget his horrible exploitation of the young black lady, Tawana B. using her in a brazen and disgusting hoax. He actually accused a NY detective of committing a terrible act upon this lady..knowing he made it all up..and it never, ever happened. He put the lady, the detective and all of NY into this madness.
Let’s not forget either the millions of dollars his scheme cost the taxpayers.
He was sued by the detective who won his suit for a large sum….but I really am not sure the debt was ever collected. That’s how rotten this creep really is. He is getting away with millions in unpaid taxes, but heaven forbid you owe the city or state even $100 you will be hounded.
I can’t understand why anyone, especially people of his race would ever give him any attention….not even the time of day.
Because the IRS has not gone after him to PAY THEM BACK.. They don’t want the accusation of being racist levvied against them…
Sharpton: “I can’t speak for everybody in Memphis. I can’t speak for everybody gathering. But for me, I believe if that man had been white, you wouldn’t have beat him like that that night.”
Well if that man was white, and the Cops were white, that man would already have gotten enough spankings from his discipling live at home father, and he would have enough sense not to run from the law, but obey it. His child would grow up knowing there are bad consequences for bad acts in life and the Democrat entitlement taught circle of lives of crime would be severed by the steady hand of the well taught ability to Self-govern which begins in the individuals, then only can be acted out collectively by people of all colors. In this case of blacks on black, they all fought the law, and the law will win, so long as the prosecuting D.A.s education was not paid for by Soros, who like Sharpton’s are the dullest knives in the drawer whose decision is always division.
IF he’d been white, and the cocps white, they’d have not DRUG HIM OUT OF THE CAR and beat him like they did.
one word sums up the reverend GRIFTER
Booker T. Washington > Quotes > Quotable Quote
Quote: From, (GOOD READS. )
“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
Could this apply to Reverent Al Sharpton….