In a Dear Colleague letter this week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warns that if Republicans refuse to support the Democrats’ unconstitutional efforts to nationalize elections, he will move to eliminate legislative checks and balances by blowing up the filibuster. “As former Senator Robert Byrd famously said, Senate Rules ‘must be changed to reflect changed circumstances,'” Schumer argued. “Put more plainly by Senator Byrd, ‘Congress is not obliged to be bound by the dead hand of the past.'”
GOPUSA Editor: It’s interesting that Schumer quotes the Democrats’ famous KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd in his national effort to take over elections.
And by the “past,” Schumer means only a couple of years ago, when he led a record 300-plus filibusters during Donald Trump’s presidency. In 2005, when Republican George W. Bush was president, Schumer, coincidentally, also warned that eliminating the legislative filibuster was a “doomsday” for democracy. “The checks and balances which have been at the core of this republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option,” Schumer said. “The checks and balances which say that if you get 51% of the vote, you don’t get your way 100% of the time.”
Indeed. And to avoid looking like a conniving, power-hungry, partisan hypocrite with absolutely no respect for the institution he serves, Schumer rationalizes his assaults on norms by pretending the nation faces an existential threat to “democracy.”
And so, Schumer has fused together two of the contemporary left’s most cynical and pernicious projects. First, the trashing of the filibuster, part of a broader effort to create a more direct democracy to ram through massive, unalterable policy changes with the slimmest of majorities in the shortest of windows. Democrats attempted to do as much with their abuse of the reconciliation process but have thus far failed. Now, Schumer proposes nationalizing elections by overturning the will of voters and compelling states to adopt chaotic voting regulations that he believes will favor Democrats in the long run.
But no one has a “right” to vote without an ID. No one has a “right” to ballot-harvest. And many Democrats’ proposals, as in empowering the federal government to mandate gerrymandering and forcing taxpayers to finance congressional campaigns, have absolutely nothing to do with voting rights — nor do proposals meant to dismantle First Amendment protections. Obsessed with rolling back Citizens United, Democrats have proposed forcing organizations that engage in political discourse to disclose their donors, creating more bureaucratic impediments for those who engage in speech.
On the voting front, House Democrats have passed a bill that would compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to 10 days after Election Day, require states to allow ballot-harvesting, coerce states to ban voter ID laws, induce states to allow felons to vote and mandate 15 days of early voting, automatic voter registration and online voter registration.
OK, I’ve run out of synonyms for “force.”
None of this is the federal government’s business, anyway. If Democrats truly believe that voter integrity laws in Georgia or Texas are threatening democracy, they would see them adjudicated in the courts, not used as a pretext to further upend the system in a power grab. Most of the state regulations that Democrats claim are Jim Crow 2.0 simply undo some of the anarchic COVID-era rules and reinstate standards that exist in many blue states and basically all Western nations. If we embraced the Democrats’ evolving definition of “voting rights,” we’d also be forced to treat every election before 2020 as completely illegitimate.
Now, it’s unlikely that Schumer will succeed. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema reportedly reiterated during a Democratic caucus meeting that she will not support getting rid of the filibuster. Sen. Joe Manchin doesn’t seem open to the idea, either. But is there any doubt Schumer would do it if he could? Is there any doubt he’s continuing to normalize un-American majoritarianism? Is there any doubt he is willing to destroy the Senate?
It is also obvious that Democrats, having stumbled in their effort to pass welfare expansion and dealing with slew of presidential missteps, are on the cusp of losing what would be a tough midterm election even if things were going swimmingly. Now that the gerrymandering talking point is (or should be) neutralized, Democrats will have to do more corroding of trust in elections by leaning into the notion that supporting basic voter integrity is racist. I guess you can’t blame the Russian gremlins every election.
In his letter, Schumer compared Republicans who believe Americans should provide photo IDs to vote to “violent insurrectionists.” In truth, Schumer, because of his power, is a bigger threat to the constitutional order than any rando who showed up to riot on Jan. 6. Unlike their actions, his attacks on the system would live on in perpetuity.
David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and author of “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at
And America is not obliged to to allow a sexual pervert and thief to control them. Besides, if that crook isn’t voted out he will at least be voted over come November.
Filibuster? Is that when the donkey fillies like Pelosi, OAC , squad and others all get busted for malfeasance in office? Schumer has skirted so many real American problems he apparently in now wearing one,,,a skirt that is. When he and his party all get political power haircuts in the next election, we may need to have to shave Chuck’s legs as well.
THE TITLE OF THIS Gopusa Article Is, ” Schumer Quoted Robert Byrd To Justify Ugly Voting Rights Gamble .. ” And Why Wouldn’t The Party Of Robert Byrd , Former – K.K. K.. Member And Recruiter, be Quoted And Claimed As One Of Their Own, After all, From The ” Southern Maryland OnLine, ” democrat Senator Robert Byrd , K. K. K. Member …. Is Now President Pro – Tempore of The U. S . Senate ….At one Time. ” Robert Byrd former Head of K.K. K. Unit …And Hero of Hillary Clinton…. ” From Breitbart Flashback, ” Hillary Clinton Praises ‘ Friend And Mentor ‘ Robert Byrd In 2010, Then Secretary Of State Eulogized Robert Byrd , A Former member And Recruiter For The K. K. K.- The Ku- Klux – Klan… “Former democrat Official ,Dunn, to paraphrase her Quote Once said, Two of My Heros Are Mau – ie -Tun, And Mother Teresa ” And Why wouldn’t The democrat, Socialist, Communist Party of America Claim Robert Byrd AsA Former Member and be Proud To Quote Him.??
Schumer Quoting Robert bird , just qualifys in calling him the Byrd man of Alcatraz,,,as Jail is really where he belongs.
I was watching ‘ FOX T. V. and Mark .Livin was On T. V. And He Said Thst Nancy Pelosi Turned Down The Reinforcement of the Capital Police By the National Guard even though she knew before hand that the protestors were going to try and break in To The Capital on Janurary 6Th., If this is so, Nancy Pelosio Should be made to answer for turning down the offer of the National Guards help providing nextra protection for security that day. Another question aside from security for the Capital was, Shoud we be anxious for America’s Young Children to be returning to public Schools when they’re not instructed in Reading, Writing, and Math but taught C.R. T. , to hate each other instead.?
IF SHE DID know, she needs to ANSWER HOW SHE KNEW ahead of time, that “FOLKS WERE GOING TO STORM the capital”!
IF the rules are not to be ‘followed’, WHY HAVE LEGISLATURES TO MAKE the rules!?
In a Dear Colleague letter this week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warns that
if Republicans refuse to support the Democrats’ unconstitutional efforts to nationalize elections, he will move to eliminate legislative checks and balances by blowing up the filibuster.
If the Republicans do not support the treasonous Democrats UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Con and Deception…. The Democrats will move to destroy our checks and balances.
What does this tell you about the character of this treasonous, dishonest, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party?? 🙁 🙁 🙁
“Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated.” Don’t get Chuck’s Semite blood boiling. Like most terrorists if you can’t honestly beat your enemy on a level playing field, stab him in the back and blow him up. The legitimate established filibuster itself is the American enemy that stands in his way of imposing his religion of secular socialism upon WE THE PEOPLE, just like American Servicemen on duty in Iraq stood in the way of Muslim terrorist’s goals of imposing their radical religion upon innocent civilians who would similarly blow up the peaceful American neighborhoods, Constitution, and American laws, in order to force their wills and sick ideologies upon others as their desperate means of last resort. Joe, Chuck and Nancy already have removed our protecting servicemen from Afghanistan, like for the past 5 years attempted to remove our protecting police at home. Two nefarious attempts to blow up a duly elected President in to fake impeachments are proof positive of Chuck/Nancy potential for American terrorism. Mate that ideology with his Biden loving Robert Byrd KKK mentality and you have real enemies within your midst with a hooded masked violence threat potential 20 times greater than any January 6th occasion. Schumer himself is proving to be the Democrat homemade Improvised Explosive device, hidden within halls of Congress, timed to go off right before they get thrown out of power. Beware of the many other mines they have laid, ready to go off upon the Washington grid.
The greatest danger to our Republic is the left wing democrats trying to ram their version of socialism down our throats, with them in control of course.
THEY ARE and always have been, the greatest danger to our constitution!
The democrat, Socialist, – Communist party Of America ‘s Motto, as It Has Always Been, ” Don’t Do As We Do, Do As we Say.. “
Grammar grammar chuckie boy that letter should have been addressed to “ comrade “ not colleague.
Or to the “Grand Cyclops…”
At a time when the Left is so focused on “racial equity”, to summon up the ghost of Byrd? Of BYRD?
Dems! No sense of self awareness at all. How can they not see it?
Oh, because Byrd was a Dem, so he is to be revered regardless of his whole checkered past.
More like he’s Revered BECAUSE OF HIS past.
Desperate self-defeating commie commanders are ordering Chuck he better get going and get up,,,,Up Chuck, Up Chuck and all WE THE PEOPLE get of his mouth is more Upchuck. We may all soon need to use our COVID masks for self-protective Barf Bags.
” The Elite of The democrat Sociaist, -Communlst Party Of America, Home of George Soros, Robert Byrd, Adam Shaft, Nancy Pelosi, the Squad, Axle Rod, Barack H. Obama , The Clinton’s Raum Emanual, Burnie Sanders, You know my list of Infamous democrats Sounds and looks Alot Like, ” America’s Most Wanted . “
The real insurrection has been occuring (not so) quietly within the halls of Congress and the Executive branch with Biden, Schumer and Pelosi with collusion to exclude any opposition to their woke radical agenda of turning the country into a Marxist socialist state rather than a deocratic Republic where all voices have their say uninfringed! Their ploy is to silence the opposition voices hence squash any opposition to their tyranical rule making. It’s not just in voting but in every aspect of government and how laws are promolgated and enforced.
IT is more of a COUP from the inside.. SUBVERSION/SEDITION, to me, than an insurrection.
I have to wonder if Chuck Schumber, Nancy Pelosi, democrat President, Joe Biden, and his Vice President Kalama Harris ” “The “Squad,” aren’t doing the Middle Class, Conservative Republicans a favor by Showing us who they really Are, The democrat Socialist, Communist Party of America.
Doesn’t it seem a little oximoronic that our law makers are the biggest law breakers in the history of America!!!
Thanks to an ingrained power establishment of both colluding parties that creeped into Washington over the past few decades, once a politician reaches a certain level of corruption expertise, the laws they pass to control WE THE PEOPLE never have to be applied to they, the creators of American chaos. If you get elected as poor as Cinderella, when you get to the Level of Speaker of the House you get taxpayer paid for military Jets to fly you home to California every weekend in lieu of a Pumpkin converted coach and four, where “Sky is the Limit” glass ceilings replace glass slippers and Presidential Prince Charming morphs into the Snoopy doghouse Prince of Sandwiches.
“The checks and balances which say that if you get 51% of the vote, you don’t get your way 100% of the time.” Bingo, Chuck! The Constitution isn’t beholden to one Party over the other nor do its tenets and principles change in order to accommodate the wishes of one Party over the other. You want to see the real threat to democracy here, Schumer—look long and hard into a mirror. Harry Reid, Jr.
“On the voting front, House Democrats have passed a bill that would compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to 10 days after Election Day, require states to allow ballot-harvesting, coerce states to ban voter ID laws, induce states to allow felons to vote and mandate 15 days of early voting, automatic voter registration and online voter registration.” Integrity?? Not hardly.
Schumer, if you aren’t an actual agent of the Devil, you don’t miss it by much. And as bad as you are—you were, nonetheless, elected. The idiots who voted you into office should all be shot—this country is not deserving of the likes of you—and quite a few others—serving (disserving) within its Congress. You do not desire the best for this country nor its people. You are not a Patriot. You are a sleazy low-life and I will run out of derogatory terms for you if I keep going here. I am by you like I am by Biden—whatever ill fate may befall you can’t come soon enough.
Chuck Schumer just proved that today’s Democrats are still part and parcel part of the racist party of Robert Byrd. They love to disavow when it suits their purpose, they support an apology for a racist past when it is one of their own, while using edited portions of speeches to call their opponents racist. This is the party of Lyndon Johnson, not the party of John F. Kennedy. Johnson began the Democrat party’s descent into the disgrace it is today, a sad shadow of what it was, and what America deserves, in its two party system.
L.B. J. , For L. B. J. And Bobie Baker Too , ” was Seen on a Car During L. B. Johnson ‘Presidency, I think that he Also said, ” I’LL have those Ne***rs voting for democrats fpr the next 200 Years ,to paraphrase L. B. J….
LOL!! A man who got rich off the backs of taxpayers is quoting a Klansman. Shows just how much of a joke the dummycrat party has become.
Wilddog, Your ( Spot- On,) , About the Socialist, Communist idemocrat party of America….