The Archbishop of San Francisco is the latest official in the Catholic church to advocate for denying communion to Catholics who support abortion rights.
While his letter did not mention any politicians by name, the new policy could have consequences for one of his highest-profile parishioners – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic and a longtime supporter of abortion rights.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone issued the letter, entitled “Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You,” on Saturday. In it, Cordileone said that in some instances, pastors can refuse the church’s most holy sacrament when a parishioner continues to support abortion.
“When other avenues are exhausted, the only recourse a pastor has left is the public medicine of temporary exclusion from the Lord’s Table,” Cordileone wrote. “This is a bitter medicine, but the gravity of the evil of abortion can sometimes warrant it.”
Pelosi grew up Catholic, attending Baltimore’s Catholic Institute of Notre Dame for high school before attending Trinity College. She remains an active member of the Catholic church to this day.
The Washington Post notes that Cordileone is one of the country’s “most conservative Catholic leaders.”
Cordileone’s letter comes as the church leaders grapple with the fact that President Joe Biden – just country’s second-ever Catholic president – is an open supporter of abortion rights.
According to the Los Angeles Times, some U.S. bishops take a more broader interpretation to Biden’s policies, claiming his fight against climate change and poverty and a more inclusive immigration system advocate “a sanctity of life.” However, more conservative leaders Biden’s support of abortion rights puts him on the wrong side of one of the most divisive issue in modern politics.
The Los Angeles Times reports that upon Biden’s inauguration this year, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops welcomed him but made reference to the divisive nature of his inauguration among Catholic leaders.
“I must point out that our new president has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage and gender,” wrote Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, president of the conference.
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One’s relationship with GOD, is entirely between them and GOD.
Matthew 7:15-20
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
That will be the least of their worries. When they stand before God, and hear the words, “depart from me, for I never knew you”, That is when their real problems will begin.
AND that day, can’t come soon enough!
Pelosi: “She remains an active member of the Catholic church to this day”. How can Pelosi be an active member of the Catholic Church when she supports the murder of helpless babies in the womb? Would the Catholic Church allow serial killers, who are constantly killing people, to be active members in the Church?
No they get around the distinction between abortion and murder by denying that life begins “before I formed you in the womb”. How you ask? They are “Dalmatian Christians” – they believe the Bible is only inspired by God in spots, and they feel inspired to spot the spots themselves. When you accept that God has the full authority to command us you begin to understand. God, in his infinite wisdom, created us with the ability to disobey Him; however, that does not give us the right to do so.
Who do they think they are fooling? I wonder if these particular “devout Catholics” understand that The Almighty is not fooled in the least by their word games? It works on the publicly educated but “be not deceived, God is NOT mocked!”
It is akin to South-ish Americans who profess Catholicism but hold fast to Voodoo at the same time.
WIth the # of ‘central/south american churches, who have ACTIVE CARTEL MEMBERS< being funders, unfortunately yes, SOME CHURCHES would probably allow active serial killers to be members… i fear.
To the one reader who voted one star, when you throw a rock over the fence, the dog that gets hit is the one that yelps. Is He your Lord?
Al Capone was a Catholic and a very significant donator to the Church. Being a baptized Catholic cannot be undone by one’s sins, regardless of how grievous. Even excommunication does not nullify the fact though that person cannot knowingly be administered Holy Communion as they are not “in communion” with the teachings/dogma of the church. It is not a “punishment” but an “incentive” to lead the person to repentance and thus into the good graces of the Church. Only God can judge the penitant’s true heart and sincerity. Unlike with people, one cannot fool God.
There are Catholics and there are Catholics, What I mean is there are ” Catholic Who Claim to be ” Catholics because their family and relatives are Catholics And then there are ” Catholics , ” like Joe Biden And Nancy Pelosi Who find, Upon occasion, Convenient upon occasion to Faint a certain faith, like Nancy Pelosi Saying ” That She Prayed For Donald Trump , A Republican President…..With Friends Like That, who Needs Enemies… ” Author Unknow
So, I get to pick and choose which of the 10 commandments I will abide by, and only have be be incentivized (bribed?) to obey them?
PITY heretics like this, don’t burst into flame, the instant they step INTO a church! OR get their hand burned anytime they TOUCH the bible.
So, You Don’t buy what old Joe Biden And Nancy Pelosi Claiming to be ‘ Keepers of the Catholic Faith.. Neither do I or For That Matter,Neither Do I….
Nancy won’t have any part of that. I guess she will find some way to get him excommunicated.
Well, it’s about time for the leaders of the oldest Christian religion to stand by & for the doctrine it was founded on & teaches.
Would help if they had a Pope who did so.
Old “enough prayers!” Cho Bai Din doesn’t believe any of it anyways.
Only the government can distribute the right to life.
As with the God given right to Free speech Joe said, when first elected, “Us cruddy politicians can take that right away from you any time we want.”
I agree. To act and support abortion and life alternatives like Biden and Pelosi do is abominable and very much against Catholic faith beliefs. They should be excommunicated and definitely do not deserve to receive the body and blood of Christ as God. They go against all of his teachings. Actions speak louder than words — especially Democrat Words.
No moral person of any religious group supports the brutal murder of innocent unborn babies. Anyone claiming to be a Christian is in violation of the Word of God expressed in the Ten Commandments and in the teachings of Christ to “love one another as I have loved you.”
The destruction of the life of the Lord’s highest and greatest creation, a human person, is an horrific and vile evil. Earthly sanctions are puny compared to the eternal judgment of God at the end of each person’s time on this planet. Those who enjoy honor on earth must understand the risk of condemnation later.