The Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat vying for one of Georgia’s two contested Senate seats, claims his Republican opponent, incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler, is running “smear ads.” She is “taking things I’ve said out of context from over 25 years being a pastor,” says Warnock.
Loeffler warns Warnock is a “radical liberal” who would change America. Warnock denies it.
Sorry, Reverend, but you proved yourself the extremist during Sunday night’s nationally televised debate. In your own words, there was nothing edited or taken out of context.
At the debate, Warnock didn’t deny he wants to eliminate cash bail and empty prisons. He possibly promoted the narrative that police disproportionately kill blacks more than whites suspected of the same crimes. When Loeffler warned that Warnock would raise Georgians’ taxes to fund the Green New Deal and a government takeover of private health insurance, he didn’t deny that either.
Most telling, Warnock refused to answer whether he’d support the Democratic Party’s most radical, far-reaching scheme, packing the Supreme Court. “I’m not really focused on it,” he told the debate moderators. Huh? You’d have to be on Mars to be not focused on it. Ducking the question clearly means he will support it.
When Georgia’s Nov. 3 Senate race ended inconclusively, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gloated, “Now we take Georgia, then we change America.”
Warnock, the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, captured 33% of the vote in the Nov. 3 Senate contest with 20 candidates competing. Loeffler, who had been appointed to the seat last January, came in second with 26%. Georgia voters will choose between them.
Georgia’s other Senate seat is also up for grabs on Jan. 5. If Democrats win both, they would hold 50 seats in the U.S. Senate, enough to control it with Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote. A 50-seat majority would enable Democrats to ram through a far-left agenda including the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, tax hikes and even packing the court and adding the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as states with four dependably Democratic votes.
With so much at stake, partisans on both sides have spent a record-breaking $329 million in total, mostly for television ads. Democrats claim ads targeting Warnock are using scare tactics to portray him as a radical. But Warnock’s own words prove he is.
Consider law and order. Warnock insisted Sunday night that he does not support defunding the police. No surprise. After so many Democratic House candidates who expressed that message were defeated in November, party leaders such as Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn and former President Barack Obama are saying to tone it down.
Even so, Warnock objects to cash bail, because he says thousands of imprisoned Georgians can’t afford it. That would mean releasing accused criminals after they are charged, public safety be damned. Warnock also wants to empty the jails, because in his own words, this country “criminalizes poverty.”
On the economy, Warnock favors substantial tax hikes and increases in federal minimum wages. Though lower-income groups, including minorities, achieved higher earnings and better employment rates under the Trump administration than ever before, Warnock insists the current U.S. economy “is designed for the wealthiest one percent, not the working class.”
Al Herring, executive director of Faith in Action, argues that for many decades African American pastors have promoted more radical positions than white Christian churches typically do, implying that criticizing such radicalism is inherently racist. That’s ridiculous.
The New York Times argues that “spotlighting a Black candidate and linking him to the state’s most prominent African-American Democrat, Stacy Abrams, amounts to a strategy” to attract voters who “harbor racist views.” As if Rev. Warnock’s skin color should inoculate him from scrutiny, despite his extreme views.
Warnock has exhorted his congregation to turn the “radical and revolutionary love of God” into action and “turn the world upside-down.” Those are inspiring words from a preacher. But those words from a Senate candidate are another matter. Warnock’s leftist agenda will change America for the worse. Republicans are fighting hard to stop it.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Plain and simple, Warnock is a radical, who wants the death of a free America!!!!!!!! That sums it up in one sentence.
This Raphael paints with the wide Brush of Democrat deception, and if elected will help create a Liberals Socialist Renaissance of Democrat destruction of America’s ability to self-govern that will take generations to reverse, helping to reign in a period of social entitlement and dependency of unheard of proportions, causing this nation to run out of other people’s money WAY sooner than the Liberals have previously planned.
Unlike Raphael of the renaissance who put realistic emotions on to paintings and changed the way people look at art by painting emotional themes and life,,,,this Raphael will put Unrealistic controlling emotions on his corrupted canvasses of government, by emotionally manipulating the way people look at government and life with no rhyme and definitely no reason to back himself up.
THIS IS WHY i fear greatly, that the STEAL IS ALREADY IN, for them to take both seats in Georgia…. THEY KNOW THEIR fraud machine will work, cause the JUDGES and politicians are OK with it, AND THE Media won’t dare say anything bad.
The only smears that appear in this Warnock Senatorial race are the socialist skid marks revealed in his own unmasked socialist shorts, where one Christian woman’s truths, become another confused Pastor’s smears, where bad is good and good is bad and “G.D. America” is edified over MAGA, and only Back lives matter, not ALL of God’s created lives, as MLK proposed, and biblical truths like abortion being a sin, can be socially redistributed to allow and promote immediate sexual gratifications that earn the Socialists long term destruction in votes purchased in offers of unlimited pleasures, and election immorality of stolen votes become acts of God approved expediency, that in corrupted Christian doctrine morph into blank checks of forgiveness for the children of the lessor god to perpetually and infinitely cash in. When approaching disguised wolf in sheep’s clothing warlocks like Warnock, all red state Ridinghood voters should immediately notice “My what big teeth you have” and understand the “All the better to eat you with my dear” part is soon about to follow.
THis is why i keep wondering, HOW THE HELL can god let, priests like this hack, STAY AS PRIESTS AND not strike them down with a bolt from heaven!
“Warnock has exhorted his congregation to turn the “radical and revolutionary love of God” into action and “turn the world upside-down.”
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, Isaiah 5:20
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Matthew 7:15-16
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. Luke 16:13
No one can serve God and serve the demonic agendas of the Democrat Party.
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous Liberal Democrats..
“Warnock has exhorted his congregation to turn the “radical and revolutionary love of God” into action and “turn the world upside-down.”
The love of god is neither new, radical nor revolutionary but fixed, empirical, unchanging and infinite,,,,,unless you are a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” child of the lessor god of secular Socialism who creates God in his own image rather than understanding that it is YOU who were created in his image. The democrat talking point scripted ditto language of the ditto headed liberals think the carbon copy of human existence is superior to the original who has no SMEARS nor spelling errors, where the smears only appear on the fake damaged reproductions who accuse the perfect Conservative copies of being malformed. Only those who are confused and behind the times would turn the world upside-down, thinking it something flat, not round, who expose themselves, as the confused children of the darkness,,, confused to the point where the concept of a flat world is considered modern and progressive.
Where’s your Bible, Reverend? Would you please read from it anything that’s coming out of your pie-hole?
If I said the same exact “sermon” this demon projectile vomits …and… replace the words black for white …white for black… Republican for democrat … democrat for republican … there would be a riot started to end all riots right if front of my house.
THEN you’d likely be arrested and charged with a hate crime.
He’s going to win. The Republicans won’t stop the steal. It’s all been rigged and they’re okay with it. They want to rid themselves of Donald Trump as much as the Democrats do. I hope Donald Trump starts a new Political Party.