Though i loved ONE comment i saw on a Fox news article on guns..
WHY is it when the military has AR type rifles, they are often called by the media, Small arms.
When COPS have those same weapons, they are called “defensive use weapons”.
BUT WHEN WE the public has them, they are all of a sudden ASSAULT WEAPONS…?
The Left must dis-arm the population before it can successfully take over. The “assault weapon” is the easiest to remove form society, then they go after the next weapon, and the next, until there is nothing left for us to defend ourselves with.
It is a premeditated, vicious attack on our freedom!! If we don’t stand up for our freedom, it will disappear.
With how the left, can’t even PROPERLY DEFINE what an ‘assault weapon is’, and to SOME, it counts as ANY Semi-automatic weapon, that means AR’s, pretty much all pistols, even revolvers, and anything NOT a bolt action rifle or shotgun…
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Apperntly Misery DOES love company,,,,1.3 MIllions jobs lost to American citizens last statistic,,,1.2 million illegals found jobs during the same…” Sep 7, 17:02
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Rge chose Kamal becasue she is the wide joyous gate than leads to destruction, in stead of the sober narrow…” Sep 7, 16:28
He has it hooked up to a perpetual gas line so it won’t burn out.
Sounds about right.
Though i loved ONE comment i saw on a Fox news article on guns..
The Left must dis-arm the population before it can successfully take over. The “assault weapon” is the easiest to remove form society, then they go after the next weapon, and the next, until there is nothing left for us to defend ourselves with.
It is a premeditated, vicious attack on our freedom!! If we don’t stand up for our freedom, it will disappear.
With how the left, can’t even PROPERLY DEFINE what an ‘assault weapon is’, and to SOME, it counts as ANY Semi-automatic weapon, that means AR’s, pretty much all pistols, even revolvers, and anything NOT a bolt action rifle or shotgun…