When I was growing up and attending Catholic schools, I was taught that the pope is infallible.
But then I read Pope Francis’ updated encyclical letter last week, and now I can only conclude that at least this pope is fallible. In fact, the declaration is so filled with anti-Christian fallacies that one has to wonder whether we have a pope that is actually Catholic.
Pope Francis was full of doom and gloom as he warned that the Earth is “collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” because of climate change. He takes a metaphorical ruler and whacks the knuckles of climate “skeptics” who are preventing the draconian/statist actions that are apparently necessary to cool the planet off. What comes next for the “deniers”? A knock on the door from the Spanish Inquisition.
The pope has given a new voice to the “blame America first” globalists and denounces Americans’ “irresponsible lifestyles” for the ruination of the planet.
What about China? Amazingly, the pope pointedly gives the world’s greatest polluter a free pass. He declares that “emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries.” This is naked appeasement to a country with some of the worst human rights violations on the planet. President Xi Jinping is loving life right now.
It’s also intentionally lying with twisted statistics. Yes, the U.S. has more emissions and uses more energy than many other nations, but that is because we produce far more output per capita than all other nations except China. It’s the reason the United States is the breadbasket of the world. Africa doesn’t use much energy. And that’s why it is a desperately poor continent. The solution isn’t for the U.S. to consume less energy, but for poor nations to have access to much more energy.
As Catholics, we are taught to help the least among us to help end poverty, hunger and deprivation, but the primary victims of the environmentalists’ crusade against fossil fuels will be those in the poorest nations of Africa and Asia — deprived of cheap and reliable power from coal and natural gas.
China, meanwhile, emits two times more greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere than America — but we are the problem, not them.
Worst of all, we now have a Vatican that has aligned itself with the radical “limits to growth” theology of leftist environmentalists. The radical greens view human beings as the problem, not the solution, which is contrary to Catholic dogma that there is dignity in every human life.
Has the Vatican forgotten that the more radical voices of climate change hysteria have come right out of the sinister population control movement of the 1960s and 1970s, when we were told that the world was running out of everything and that the only solution was fewer people? This movement led to some of the most barbaric government actions of modern times: forced abortions, mandatory sterilizations of women, and brutal one-child policies.
The theology in the Pope Francis letter called “Laudate Deum,” which means “Praise God,” is a direct contradiction of the teachings of our greatest pope in modern times, John Paul II, who magnificently declared that economic freedom and human ingenuity have always been the solutions to our planetary problems and the sometimes winds of change that Mother Nature throws at us. People, he reminded all Catholics, are the greatest resource.
Another way of saying this is that the Western world’s economic affluence and our advanced “lifestyles” haven’t held back the poor countries or jeopardized civilization. We have made life on Earth profoundly better for everyone. The pope’s call for energy poverty is a call for everyone to get poorer. That hardly seems to be a very Christian solution.
If climate change really is the existential threat that the pope sermonizes that it is, we will confront this challenge the way humans have combated every problem since the days when human life on Earth was nasty, brutish and short: We will harness human know-how and new-age technologies that will tame Mother Nature’s savage outbursts.
Thanks to the freedom agenda and scientific advances, deaths from natural disasters have fallen by 90% over the past 100 years. Has anyone in the Vatican told the pope that?
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. He has also served as a senior economic advisor to Donald Trump.
I think that you will find that the Catholic elite of the world have put politics above GOD.
I personally have abandoned established religions. I can not find one that only teaches what is in the Word of God and to put God and his son Jesus Christ above EVERYTHING else. There is always a below the surface objective that does not follow the Word of God.
I have found that praying, reading the Bible and talking with other Christians has brought me closer to Jesus Christ then a established church.
There’s days, i would just LOVE For god to send down a holy smiting from on high, and Edjumicate this pope, on REAL holyness…
Pope Francis now sounds much like democrt, Jeane Kirkpatrick”s speech she gave at the GOP Republican Convention of 1984 when she said,” Blame America First.”
IMO he’s always been a democrat in political ideology. NOW HE’s got a bully pulpit, to try and shove it all in our faces.
Beware of False Prophets which come to ypu in Sheeps Clothing , but inwardly they are Ravening Wolves.”
Matthew 24:14
Pope Francis for example
Karl Marx said this about Religion,” Religion is the Opiate Of The Common MAN.”
And now we have Pope Francis.
So sad, but so true.
Given the track record of the Catholic Church, the Pope has no business blaming or criticizing anybody.
He would have more irealistic nfluence with his peers if he mounted a beany copter atop that skullcap.
” Tyrants have Always Some Slight Shade Of Virtue, They Support The Laws Before Destroying Them.”
Theodore Roosevelt gave a speevh before “The Knights Of Columblus 1915, ” There is no room for ” Hyphenated Ameticans” in which he said in his Speech, ” The one absolutely certain way of bringing this Nation to Ruin, of Preventing all possibility of its continuing to be A Nation at all, would be to permit it to become A Tangle of Squabbling Nationalities…” We should have taken his advice.
“Earth is “collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” is a sure sign of a Christian man Pope of a dope on the theological ropes of little faith, who embraces fears to eschew the power of the mustard seed of faith,,,little faith in God’s created plan for the earth’s designed nature to cleans itself of human pollution with a thing as simple as a rain storm. Cleansing itself of politically motivated confused socialist Popes with an agenda of fear mongering is a whole more difficult problem to cure. As far as the Spanish Inquisition is concerned, one need only study the current Muslim Hamas threat to humanity that may only be cured with a nuclear exchange more lethal than any pope offered environMENTAL pimple, to understand the mindset and mental aberrations of a Spanish national mindset during the times of the inquisition who just recently threw off the yoke of several hundred years of indoctrinating Muslim rule of offering their victims either to convert to Mohammadism or get beheaded.
What could one expect from a democrat,Socialist, party when they can’t even tell the difference between a Male and Female
‘ A sister and Brother were naket one day and they were looking one another over when the Male brother noticed that his sister was bleeding.. He said to his sister, -Why it’s no wonder that your Bleeding, Somebody’s Cut your Thing Off.
It seems that the pope hasn’t read the book of Revelation. I guess he doesn’t want his eyes opened to the Word of God. It is the final Revelation of the end times and the new restoration of God’s Creation.
I think the Pope is correct. The USA is going to hell in a a hand basket. And there ain’t (sorry – a Slo Joe moment there) no reversal. The USA dug its own grave.
This Pope is many things, but a Christian isn’t one of them. He lost me when he declared that “all religions are the same.” Goodbye, MR. Francis.