We now know who the real “science deniers” are, and it has nothing to do with global warming or climate change, but rather with genetics.

Whether the tiny but disproportionately influential LGBTQ lobby and its allies in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media like it or not, there are still only two genders genetically, XX (female) and XY (male). Gender is binary, not a buffet. Heinz may offer 57 varieties, but not to be outdone, Facebook is doing the gender dysphoric no favors by indulging them by pretending there are 58 gender varieties, ranging from “gender fluid” and “genderqueer” to 26 options with “trans-” as a prefix.

Just because a biological man says he “identifies” as a woman or vice versa — or both or neither (so-called “nonbinary” on “intersex”) — doesn’t mean society should have to tie itself up in knots accommodating their gender confusion with gender-neutral pronouns (the so-called singular “they”). There was a time, not so long ago, that if someone engaged in aberrant behavior, he or she (not “they”) either had to change that behavior or else be prepared to live with social-outcast status. Now, the aberrant demand that the 99-plus percent not only not shun the abnormal, but accommodate and celebrate it.

The latest example of the tail wagging the dog: Under legislation introduced in the House of Representatives Feb. 18 by Rep. Ro Khanna, California Democrat, self-styled “nonbinary” and “intersex” people would be able to obtain a passport that matches “their” gender identity. Mr. Khanna — who, for what it’s worth, correctly identifies as a man — would create a third gender-marker option, denoted by “(X), Unspecified,” as an option in lieu of the “M” and “F” designations, on U.S. passports, passport cards or consular reports of birth abroad.

If enacted, his (not “their”) bill would allow “nonbinary” or “intersex” U.S. citizens to have such a form of federal government ID, even if their state doesn’t offer a third gender marker on driver’s licenses or state IDs. Yet, 15 states and the District of Columbia have capitulated and now legally recognize “nonbinary” genders on driver’s licenses.

Why should society bend over backward to accommodate the vanishingly small number of gender-confused people who would avail themselves of the option? If we thought it would placate the LGBTQ lobby, we would suggest that instead of “M” or “F” — and certainly instead of “X” — on passports, we should make the options “XX” and “XY.” On second thought, however, “X” passports are a solution in search of a problem, so let’s not do that. The only thing more ridiculous is the proposal in some of the country’s most liberal precincts to install tampon dispensers in boys’ school restrooms for transgender “men.”

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