“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to wreck America’s election integrity.”
Yes, my friends, it’s time to change the (in)famous phrase at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Open borders are not just a recipe for replacing native-born workers with cheap foreign labor and trading assimilation for multicultural militancy. They’re about undermining the historic nation through devalued citizenship and sabotage of the precious right to vote.
Over the weekend, New York City’s Democrat mayor Eric Adams threw his support to a City Council-approved measure to allow an estimated 800,000 local noncitizens to participate in local elections. The newly minted voters would include green-card holders, temporary visa holders, including H-1B workers mostly from China and India, F-1/Optional Practical Training foreign university students with employment authorization, and potentially unknown masses of illegal alien so-called Dreamers.
These new voters will be granted enormous influence over vital local matters pertaining to everything from education to taxes to crime and only need to show they’ve been in the city for a measly 30 days. It doesn’t matter that these noncitizens will largely have no attachment at all to America as their permanent home but instead see it as a temporary rest stop, a cash cow, or, at worst, hostile territory.
Adams proclaimed in a statement that while he had “some concerns” about the bill, he now believes “allowing the legislation to be enacted is by far the best choice, and look forward to bringing millions more into the democratic process.”
“Democratic process,” of course, is a euphemism for “Democrat Party.”
The demographic overwhelming of our elections through both illegal alien amnesty and unfettered legal immigration is straight out of the left-wing playbook. What’s happening in the Big Apple is not new, nor is it a “conspiracy theory.” As I’ve long reported since my early days in newspaper journalism in Southern California, there’s been a steady erosion of voter integrity at the hands of open-borders politicians and operatives for decades.
Since 1991, six municipalities in Montgomery County, Maryland, have allowed noncitizens (with no distinction between legal and illegal aliens) to cast ballots in local elections: Garrett Park, Takoma Park, Somerset, Chevy Chase, Martin’s Additions and Barnesville. An additional five Maryland municipalities, two Vermont towns, two U.S. territories and San Francisco (school board elections only, for now) have also opened their voting booths to noncitizens.
And don’t forget: In 1993, the federal “Motor Voter” law “expanded the franchise” for political expediency — exacerbating the perilous trend of lowering the safeguards for voting that continues to undermine the value of U.S. citizenship today. The nationwide granting of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens paved the way for untold election theft.
Former Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Alan C. Nelson’s warning nearly 30 years ago when Takoma Park passed its noncitizen voting referendum remains more trenchant than ever:
“In many countries of the world, an alien is always an alien. In our country, we are proud that our laws and social policies encourage aliens of all races and cultures to become citizens. In recent years, however, an increasing number of aliens have not pursued citizenship. … This trend is disturbing, because it could seriously affect the assimilation process immigrants have pursued in this nation for 200 years. … This important value of becoming a citizen is lost if an alien can vote without becoming a citizen. Any legal resident alien can become a U.S. citizen in five years. That is not an unreasonable time to wait to be able to participate in our democracy. … The five-year wait emphasizes the value of citizenship as a requirement to vote and to becoming a full member of the community. … If local voting by noncitizens is allowed, state and federal voting could be next. Either there is a policy basis for noncitizens to vote, or there is not. If we open the door, it cannot be closed halfway.”
It should be as glaring as Lady Liberty’s torchlight that election reform begins with a complete, total and immediate immigration moratorium.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com
The Left couldn’t be happier.
The question now to be asked, Who in America, can’ Vote in the countries elections, even the dead rise up on election time and cast a vote, perhaps two or three times. Which political party welcomes illegal immigrants? Remember, ” illegal immigrants are just undocumented democrat voters. ” Remember to vote, and vote often!- Authors, unknown .
My grandparents came here through Ellis Island. Should come here legally or not at all.
Give them an inch and they will take a mile, give them a mile and they wil take coast to coast, Give them coast to coast and they will take all elections and America will no longer esist as a soverign nation. But is that not their plan all along.?Forget sending out military hit squalds for guys like Bin Laden, when you have major country destroyers like Soros polluting your laws, corruypting you District attornys and stealing your country. mile by mile, state by state by stealing elections one mail-in vote at at time.
WHICH IS why we should have gotten HARSH AS HELL< on illegal invaders, AT THE OUTSET.. Maybe if he had, we wouldn't BE IN this mess.
This illegal immlggrant problem was recognized way back in 1915 when THEODOSE Roosevelt gave a Speech titled, ” HYPHENATED AMERICANISM ” In which he warned, ” The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of continuing to be a Nation at all, would be to permit It to become A tangle of squabbling Nationalities, …” and this is what has happened to America with illegal immigrants Flooding across this countries open borders into our country’s interior to just disappear except when the democrats count on their votes to keep them in office.
wasn’t it him who also said
“THERE should be NO SUCH THING, as a “What ever-american”. you are either AMERICAN OR YOU ARE NOT!”
I have often wanted to travel BACK IN TIME< AND ENSURE that damnable phrase, was NEVER EVER carved onto the Statue of liberty…
AND TO HAVE STARTED a proper border wall, along our southern border, BUILD NOT just 20 ft or so high, but 40ft or more, WITH A 200 meter deep, 100 foot WIDE DITCH IN FRONT OF THE WALL!!
Your children for indoctrination, your vote oh and scientists just determined pedophilia starts in the womb so if a president if the USA displays pedophilia tendencies it’s not his fault it’s his mothers fault ( she must have been a Republican).
There is a message that would serve Adults well to take from this AUTHOR of a Children’s book, THE TITLE of the piece, ” Give A MOUSE A COOKIE, ” and the lesson, If you once give anything , A Little of your rights as a American citizen to the democrats they will keep asking for more and more, It will never end….
we need to stop treating politicians like rock stars in america.
in a mere 200 years politicians have managed to destroy gods greatest gift of a free people and a great nation.
yes politicians and lawyers who in todays political climate are one and the same.
the demoncrats have flooded this country with 3rd world trash and now wants the to vote only after being in our country a month.
the gop better block these voting bills and try to keep mancin and cinema with them or else americas coffin will be shut.