President Biden on Wednesday criticized Texas and Mississippi lifting their COVID mask mandates and rolling back restrictions as “Neanderthal thinking.”
“I think a big mistake,” Biden said, citing scientific evidence that masks can reduce infections. “It’s critical, critical, critical that they follow the science.
“Masks make a difference,” he added.
The president spoke out after the Republican governors of the two states lifted all rules requiring people to wear masks in public, with Mississippi rolling back the restrictions hours after Texas did the same Tuesday.
Biden said governors and other leaders must not prematurely relax COVID mandates before the danger from the pandemic has passed.
“The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking,” he said.
Related Story: White House cuts virtual event feed after Biden says he’s ‘happy to take questions’ from House Democrats
Pressure has been rising in some states to relax or scrap restrictions entirely, as infection rates, serious illnesses and deaths have all dropped dramatically since the holidays. Increased vaccinations are also driving down the numbers.
But public health experts say the infection rate has leveled off in recent days, leading to fears of a new spring surge if restrictions are eased and more contagious variants of the virus spread.
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Biden needs to be impeached. He is absolutely contradictory in his statement. He makes this stupid, irrational statement on the same day he opened the southern border and allowed Covid illegals into the USA who are spreading the disease everywhere. This entire administration needs to be recalled or impeached or both. And we are only a little over a month into this communist administration. They are wrecking everything from top to bottom.
Oh and by the way, he got his communists buddies Michael Moore and MSM to say the same stupid irrational statements as well. And to add to that he insulted the Governor of Texas and his state. Talk about wanting to control the people and herd them where they want them to go, this administration has the award hands down.
He can’t say two sentences that are rational, which is why he stays in lockdown himself, at least until they can get Kamala groomed and no telling what else. RECALL!
The president can’t be “recalled”, he can only be impeached, which would do us no good, given the next in line. There is a reason why the capital building remains surrounded by high fences, razor wire, and armed troops. These traitors KNOW they are governing against the will of the people, and 75 million of us are sick and tired of it.
Impeach, recall, whichever. This country is in dire straits. We do not have the luxury of sitting by and allowing the “circle backs” the lack of transparency, no pressers with this Alzheimer’s patient. Dangerous is putting it mildly. Our enemies are waiting to strike at us at any moment. We are in a very precarious position in the world.
More like 80+ million.. Pity we can’t IMPEACH ALL of them..
How do you know it’s 75 million of us? Some of those voting machines STOLE votes from Trump. It’s more like 90 million of us.
Oh, the knuckle dragger speaks!…….The village cesspool seem to have lost one it’s floaters.
I was reading a story where Biden got lost in the white house.
He also forgot why he visited Texas.
I was gonna say that. HOW IS IT RIGHT< he still tells americans "MASK UP, its by our commandment"< WHILE letting in literally THOUSANDS OF Illegals, and NOT ONLY not testing them for covid, but giving them (according to one report i heard) PREFERENTIAL HEAD OF LINE TREATMENT TO get the vaccine, ahead OF AMERICANS…
Must be a bunch of Obiden supporters reading these looking at the ratings
Joe just needs to keep putting masks on until he can’t. So should Camala and Piglosi. I think they should each wear at least 12 masks very tightly on their faces for 16 hours per day. That should do the trick.
Let’s superglue them permanently to their faces.
The neanderthal thinking is how this turnip and the demorats view the general population as they are the all knowing ones who must keep the masses under control. Open up and let freedom ring. People will do what’s right…no more nanny state. All those blue state governors on their covid power trips need to have their emergency powers stripped and go back to being inconsequential.
All this coming from the one that didn’t evolve up to the neanderthal level. He is stuck somewhere at the homo erectus or before level. Wouldn’t even make a good dog…..doesn’t know which end to sniff
Wasn’t it newsome and pelosi who said “we need to lock everyone down in their CAVES” till things are over?? or something like that?
Does that stammering fool use his mask as a shield to prevent his lips from being read? Seems his senility is more apparent when his mouth is uncovered and any external feed to his mouth can’t be utilized by his ventriloquists.
Joe, “Neanderthal thinking”? Joe, since you have the early onset of dementia or alzheimers, you do not even have the brain of a “Neanderthal”. Secondly, Joe, you are releasing covid positive illegal aliens into our society, so Joe, you have less than “Neanderthal thinking”.
It is much farther along than early onset.
I got news for Slow Joe…..
A Neanderthal had 10-times the gray-matter of the brain than he does.
“Neanderthal Thinking” would be being fearful of something someone couldn’t understand, something that experience has not prepared them for, that all citizens in the country need to be treated like children beacuse it is beyond their capacity to understand the virus. At this point too many understand the virus and many are shunted aside because they are not in agreement with an ‘official’ narrative. This has not gone unnoticed by the general public who are beginning to see the incongruities of that narrative and beginning to question the reponses being dictated on them. One size does not fit all! We are fifty sovereign states forming a nation for the common benefit, not one nation divided into fifty different territories! This is a concept that many within the federal government have forgotten, or worse, trying to obliterate all together. President Trump understood this when he allowed states to handle their response locally, liberals have abused this and now desparately want to withdraw this autonomy of states and replace it with the a new order.
No President Biden, “Neanderthal” thinking is what you are doing to our Sothern border for YOUR benefit! YOU knowingly let 106 unaccompanied Illegal children with known COVID on buses headed to various parts of the US. These are now probably busses full of people all infected by the time they arrive at their destinations in the US is blood on your hands.
BUT, the unknown portion of this is these 106 kids were only on ONE day out of Brownsville Texas. How many other “Points of Entry” are there that you let sick kids get on these busses? OH, and let’s not forget the daily influx of adults too from all these points of entry, and others you invited to sneak in at any location on the Southern Border.
Finally, you and your group should not have cheated to win this election just so you could mess up the USA! You Mr. President are worthless, and a stooge for others.
BTW, In States that have lifted the mask mandate, businesses and people can still make the decision to “Mask Up” or not. It does not always have to be a Govvy Mandate.
Sorry, stepping off soapbox.
AND we saw all last year, the DEMS FLAT OUT demanding ‘more federal workers’ to contact trace EVERY AMERICAN Who caught it, so we can stop the spread..
I wonder, HAS ANYONE EVEN ASKED about contact tracing any of those hundreds who have it?? AND HOW MANY MORE do they NOT KNOW about that have it, cause no one tested them!
After seeing Joe’s “non neanderthal” performance at his press conference where he was cut off in mid sentence by his marrionettes, it hit me: CHAUNCEY GARDNER. Refer to the 80’s Peter Sellers movie “Being There”. An idiot ends up in a position of power due to the media and his supporters reading more into the nonsensical and idiotic utterances that emerge from the simpleton’s mouth. Chance the gardener . . . oh my God . . .
So not being forced to wear masks in Texas is dangerous and a public health threat BUT allowing illegal immigrants to enter with COVID and get on buses to travel throughout the USA THAT is OK. Got it. Logic never has been a liberal strong point.
MORE PROOF dems care MORE for illegal invaders, than they EVER HAVE american citizens!
“The only thing we need to fear is fear itself”–FDR
Meanwhile, three generations later, Democrats today are bankrupting the US by exploiting fear over just about everything.
I would rather be a Neanderthal than a wanna be dictator. The muzzles have proved to be ineffective, and so has the 6 foot socialist distancing. Bubba Biden wants to keep the muzzles in place to control the citizens, and for no other reason. He even had the virus, and still wears a mask out of stupidity.
I have yet to see any cave art of Neanderthals wearing masks. Pictures, or it never happened!
Neanderthal shirts have got to be flying off the shelves at all the novelty sites! I’d rather be a neanderthal thinker than this dimwitted “Mr. Unity” who just allowed 106 COVID positive illegals run amok in the U.S., and that’s just the ones they did test or came thru the “legal” entryways across the borders. Wonder how many of those 25 that 13 are dead in the SUV/tractor trailer accident were actually COVID carriers? No one said they were stopping mask wearing, 15 states have lifted or never had mask mandate fines and imprisonment, The gaffe machine and his “neanderthal thinking” being misconstrued as calling everyone Neanderthals is just as shameful as what he and his handlers thought Abbot had said.
I’m not sure Joe is the best person to insult someone else’s thinking ability.
Neanderthal is when following biden’s orders to the border patrol, illegal aliens testing positive for Covid Virus are released into the US population! 108 of them just yesterday! Not stopped! Not quarantined! No masks! No social distancing! 108 Just released into Texas!
If it’s anyone that needs to be slammed, I mean HARD against a brickwall, it’s senile stupid Joe.
Along with EVERYONE WHO actually voted FOR biden!
Hidin’ Biden is quick with the name calling. When Trump banned air travel from China on 01/31/2020, Biden called him a racist and said it was a, “Xenophobic decision.” Trump was right and name-calling Biden was wrong.