Imagine a dystopian future in which large swaths of the media collude with a cabal of present and former government bureaucrats to successfully sway, through a concerted campaign of disinformation, the course of a U.S. presidential election.
Conjuring all of this up would actually require some imagination, at least for me, if it had not already happened. Two years ago, during the course of the hotly contested 2020 presidential election, much of the media, along with a cabal of media “experts,” managed to bury the now-confirmed Hunter Biden laptop story in a manner that the Watergate conspirators could have only dreamed of.
Criticize Russian, state-controlled media all you want for feeding dollops of pro Kremlin propaganda to Russian citizens concerning the war in Ukraine. But they have some stiff competition from the west. If you are disturbed by the former, you ought to be even more disturbed by the latter — which directly affects all of us.
Do I believe that the Hunter Biden laptop story rivals Russian disinformation concerning Ukraine? No, I do not. But the parallels are disturbing.
If ever there was a living story of a Prodigal Son, it’s Hunter Biden. Despite having grown up with all of the advantages of his father’s political connections, a Harvard and Yale education, a law degree, a commission in the U.S. Navy and access to considerable wealth, Hunter Biden had managed to distinguish himself not as a politician, or legal professional, or member of the military, but as a failed Naval officer (discharged for drug abuse) who has spent much of his adult life scheming to milk his father’s political connections for profit.
That’s just the beginning of the “ew” factor when it comes to Hunter Biden. Biden dated his brother’s widow for three years very shortly after his brother’s death. During this same period, he settled a paternity suit for a contemporaneous affair with a woman from Arkansas. By his own admission, Biden smoked crack while working for various government entities and while lobbying overseas in China and Russia — where he was surely under surveillance and a significant threat for espionage and blackmail.
Yet with all of the younger Biden’s various faux pas well-known, when the New York Post published, in October 2020, a story concerning the discovery of an abandoned laptop in a Delaware repair shop owned by Hunter Biden that contained very damaging information about him and potentially his father, then presidential candidate Joe Biden, the response by most of the media and the pundit class was to label this as either a conspiracy theory, Russian disinformation or, most commonly, both.
This, in my opinion, was more than just incompetence, negligence or bias. This was a deliberate attempt to ensure that candidate Joe Biden maintained his narrow lead over President Donald Trump in the final weeks of the 2020 campaign. This was an attempt to avoid a redux of 2016, which many media supporters of Hillary Clinton are convinced was a case of “Russian disinformation” causing her loss to Donald Trump — as opposed to her general unpopularity across a broad swath of the country outside of the D.C. Beltway and other Democratic enclaves.
To be clear, this, in my opinion, was no mistake — this was a deliberate action by the media and bureaucrats to influence the outcome of a presidential election through disinformation in order to unseat a President that they disliked and feared.
Now that this is all out in the public, verified and under legal investigation, what has mainstream media’s response been? Not much. One lame mea culpa from the Washington Post that was mostly gobbledygook about caution due to the tenor of the moment. How ironic that this appeared in a newspaper with “Democracy dies in darkness” on its masthead.
It’s highly unlikely that media conglomerates with the investigative resources of the Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, etc., did not know that there was actually some “there” there with the Hunter Biden laptop story. That makes all of this malfeasance, not just a mistake in judgment. It wasn’t “didn’t know,” it was “didn’t want to know.” And it’s one of many reasons why you are not alone if you don’t trust the media in this country to call balls and strikes fairly.
I happen to despise Donald Trump. But like it or not, he unquestionably won the 2016 election (just like he unquestionably lost the 2020 election). That was the verdict of the American people, and I respect it, even if it’s not what I wished for. But the majority of the media didn’t see it that way. Many media organizations made it a point to promote and/or gin up dirt on Trump for his entire term in office while ignoring similar behavior from the scion of a favored opposition candidate.
You may be one of many who believe that this story is an unfortunate, but excusable, example of a pillar of society, the fourth estate, standing up for the greater good. I’ve even heard some refer to this as a noble example of “taking one for the team.”
If you are one of those so enamored, I simply invite you to bide your time until it’s you who are on the losing side of a disinformation campaign designed to steer the course of history away from the outcome of a legitimate democratic process. If we continue along the path of ends justifying the means, you might not have to wait very long.
Idaho Club award-winning columnist Martin Hackworth of Pocatello is a physicist, writer and retired Idaho State University faculty member who now spends his time with family, riding mountain bikes and motorcycles and playing guitars. His commentary may be found on Substack ( and and his video blog, “Howlin’ at the Moon in ii-V-I,” may be found at and on YouTube at
© Copyright 2022, Idaho State Journal (Pocatello, ID), All Rights Reserved.
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How patriotic and so totally American to have such a traitor—an incorrigible liar—a devious, scheming charlatan—sitting in the Oval Office holding the office of President. Along with a son who adds a touch of class to the family tree.
Brought to you by the Democrat Party’s Election Theft Committee.
Well said, BUT this is what Biden voters said they wanted. They got what they voted for, the rest of us got ……!
When you can steal a Presidential election and get away with it everything else is relatively easy.
AND there’s no need to “imagine a dystopian future”< AS WE ARE LIVING IT day after day.
It’s the Biden version of the Prodigal Son story except in Joe’s case, the father climbs into the pigpen with the prodigal son, while they divide up and spend not the inheritance of the dad, but spend the spoils of WE THE PEOPLE who they mange to muck up rather efficiently. Instead of the Last being first and the first becoming last to enter their kingdom of cronies, it’s the worst who become first while the American best get treated as the last and unworthy.
In the case of democrat Prezident Joe Biden and his son’s,Hunters Laptop, This Quote Should be Reasuri ng, ” The Truth Will Set You Free ., ” In Hunter Biden’s Case, Maybe Not.!
The leftist Media , the Arm Of The Democrat Party, Brings to mind this quote ” If A Tree Falls In A Forest And Nobody Is there to Hear It Fall , Did It Fall? If The Leftist Arm Of The Democrat Party, The Media, Didn;t Report Hunter Biden’s Lap Top, Did The laptop Really Exist? It Apparently Did Exist and The Leftist Media Just didn’t Report It..
The author of this article makes the statement that President Trump
unquestionably lost the 2020 election. Anyone who believes that is either a fool or a liar or both. If there was any real justice in this country then President Trump would still be in the the Oval Office, Bite-Me Biden and his Communist cronies would have been hung for high treason, and in all likelihood Ukraine would have never been invaded because Putin has sense enough to respect Trump. Whereas no one with the intelligence level of a rock respects Bite-Me Biden in any way, shape, form or fashion.
Well since he expressly said he “DESPISES trump”, of course he is going to feel that trump unquestionably lost the election.
Yup, caught that too. I am the one who gave the article a 1. All the “att’a boys” in the world will not cover that big of an “oh !”.
As this Quote States, ” You Can Put Lipstick On A Pig But Its Still
A Pig. ” When its all said and done ITs Still Hunter Biden’s Lap Top that Will Condemn Both Hunter And President Joe Biden.
“I happen to despise Donald Trump. But like it or not, he unquestionably won the 2016 election (just like he unquestionably lost the 2020 election). That was the verdict of the American people, and I respect it,”
It WAS NOT the verdict of the American people. It was the deliberate manipulation of the election by this treasonous, destructive, socialist Democrat Party. Every time proof is discovered of the manipulation, Either the treasonous Democrat Party or their news/propaganda refuse to let it be known, just like the Hunter Biden’s laptop criminal information.
TO Scruffy-USN-Retired
“I happen to despise Donald Trump.”
So, You Approve of what President Joe Biden and his administration has done to this country and its people since Joe Biden was democrat President .
To Scruffy-USN-Retired
I might have misinterpreted what you posted, If so, I apologize.
There is no doubt in my mind that the media joined forces to keep the Hunter Biden misadventures (aka criminal history) quiet and under wraps so as not to affect the last election. (The Fox Nation story on Hunter is quite astounding.) It sounds like had Americans known about his sordid past, it may have affected enough of the vote to turn it to Trump, as this author states. This is totally egregious. The media must not be allowed to continue to have that kind of political power. Since Elon Musk is going to take the helm at Twitter, perhaps other millionaires can band together to purchase other publications or social media corporations and bring our news back to factual journalism and away from unethical and sometimes illegal partisan politics. It is my belief that the last election “may” have been tampered with, but to date, the proof isn’t there. Wishing doesn’t make it so, as much as I think Biden has been crooked for years. In the meantime, the investigations need to continue into Hunter Biden, his father, and other Biden family members as well as the Hillary Clinton investigation. Searching for the truth is a worthy and necessary crusade – I just wish it didn’t take so long, and that there were more real journalists out there, willing to get back to reporting facts – regardless of where they fall.
They are NOT the media.. THEY ARE THE propaganda wing of the DNC,. PERIOD.
THe Socialist, / Communist , democrat Party of America , Democrt party, Media , didn’t Want the Hunter Biden Laptop Story out there Before The Voting Public So The Leftist Media Sat On on The ” Hunter Biden Laptop ” Story…
Martin Hackworth is truly a hack indeed, if he believes the 2020 election was not stolen. There is so much evidence that one would have to be blind not to see it.
The Fraudulent O’Biden Evil Regime and Criminal Family, Along with the Deep Dark State MUST be Factually Investigated and Brought to Justice for Their Tyrannical, Treasonous Acts and Profiteering at Tax Payer and America’s Expense and Security!!!! The Evil Agenda is Focused upon Bringing Down and Destroying Our True American Values!!! They are doing so in the Name of Marxism and Socialism for Their Greed and Want of Power and Total Control Over We The People and America!!!!
TILL we cut the hell out of hte dept of Injusice, its just singing in the wind, to DARE Hope they will ever face any justice.
” Its hard to remember that your Job Was To Drain The Swamp When Your Up To Your Neck In Aligators . ” With The Present Joe Biden Administration , Where does The Republican Party Even Start To Drain The Swamp.? Author Of Quote, Unknown
David Barkdale
” The democrat Hieracharcy Believe That they’re On A Higher Plane Than The Worklg Middle Class And So don’t think that they should legally Have to Answer For Their misdeeds as the ” Middle Class Has To… Hunter Biden is A Example.
The most important parts of this article are the author’s comments about Hunter and Joe Biden, their dishonesty, the media, its efforts to steal the election and the contents of the laptop.
So what if the author doesn’t like Trump. He obviously doesn’t like the Biden’s any better. By hook or by crook ( I’ll go with crook in this case) it’s Joe Biden sitting in the Oval Office. It’s done. I hope somebody is working on fraud-proofing the next election instead of reliving the last one.
I thought I wandered into a college class, everyone is so triggered. Now you can all give me a 1 and you’ll feel better.
I would invite Mr. Hackworth to view Dinesh D’souza’s new documentary “2000 Mules”. Perhaps that might have some impact on his “certainty” that the 2020 election was legitimate.
He’d probably call that video, Disinformation.
Voltaire once said,” It’s Dangerous to be right In Matters on Which Established Auth0rities Are Wrong .” AUTHOR UNKNOWN
As John Adams once said about ” Facts ” Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of Facts and evidence.” Its Joe Biden’s Son, Hunter Biden’s Laptop that will Reveal the ” Facts. “
Correction to Above Comments by sotheseedsofliberty2…VOLTAIRE WAS THE Author of the quote.