on 7:25 am March 14, 2023 at 7:25 am
The Continuous Treasonous, Destructive, Lies, Cons and Deceptions of this puppet No Joe Biden administration.
This puppet No Joe Biden administration has been our most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!!!
This fool sells off our national oil reserve to China, then when China creates a conflict, it has plenty of fuel to fight a war, while the U.S. has an empty oil reserve. Do you think maybe that China might be one of No Joe Biden’s puppeteers??
The byden has always been a puppet of other nations, look at some of the things he has done and said, the byden of late has even been listening to the mexicow government when they said that they are going to interfere with our elections. Yeah that little joe byden has at every turn proven to be nothing but a. Two bit banana republic DICTATOR omitting multiple acts of treason against not only the people of this country but he has committed acts of treason against the nation ax a whole. The surrender of afghanistan directly causing the murders of at least 13 of out service personnel, selling our strategic oil reserves to an enemy country, giving a8d and comfort to an enemy (billions in weapons, and at least 4 tactical nukes). How much more in the way of treason does he need to commit before he is either tried for treason or removed as being incompetent and mentally deficient?
That byden is going to be the direct cause of this nation getting into another world war.
The DemonRats and RINOs are serial liars. Truth is relative to them. Truth is only what they want it to be in their minds.
John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
The Continuous Treasonous, Destructive, Lies, Cons and Deceptions of this puppet No Joe Biden administration.
This puppet No Joe Biden administration has been our most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!!!
This fool sells off our national oil reserve to China, then when China creates a conflict, it has plenty of fuel to fight a war, while the U.S. has an empty oil reserve. Do you think maybe that China might be one of No Joe Biden’s puppeteers??
The byden has always been a puppet of other nations, look at some of the things he has done and said, the byden of late has even been listening to the mexicow government when they said that they are going to interfere with our elections. Yeah that little joe byden has at every turn proven to be nothing but a. Two bit banana republic DICTATOR omitting multiple acts of treason against not only the people of this country but he has committed acts of treason against the nation ax a whole. The surrender of afghanistan directly causing the murders of at least 13 of out service personnel, selling our strategic oil reserves to an enemy country, giving a8d and comfort to an enemy (billions in weapons, and at least 4 tactical nukes). How much more in the way of treason does he need to commit before he is either tried for treason or removed as being incompetent and mentally deficient?
That byden is going to be the direct cause of this nation getting into another world war.
AND even with all those acts, CONGRESS STILL has shown, NO WILL TO do a damn thing about it.
Well yeah 30 million worth of puppeteering, as The alphabet agencies sit on their thumbs and spin with the courts blessings!
More reason, imo, that EVERY DAMN one of those alphabet agencies, need to get GUTTED..
“Just as I do solemnly swear to uphold and protect the Constitution of The United States.”
OATHS mean jack squat to libtards…
The DemonRats and RINOs are serial liars. Truth is relative to them. Truth is only what they want it to be in their minds.
John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
We ought to value truth.