Dr. Anthony Fauci faced a tough grilling over whether or not he should step aside as his critics view him as a deterrent in the Biden administration’s ongoing effort to vaccinate Americans.
During Wednesday’s appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Fauci was confronted by a list of COVID-era “controversies,” including the pause of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the ivermectin debate, the avoidance of natural immunity as well as his “noble lie” discouraging Americans not to wear masks in the early months of the pandemic to prevent an N95 shortage.
“I have lost confidence in the CDC and the FDA and I actually believe a lot of Americans, a significant part of America now have lost confidence in you, Dr. Fauci,” Hewitt began. “Is there a point where you will say, ‘I do more harm than good because people don’t listen to me anymore,’ and step aside?”
– Read more at Fox News
Finally!@hughhewitt challenges Dr. Fauci on why he doesn’t resign seeing as his history of hypocrisy, flip-flops, and failed predictions have destroyed his value as a public-health official.
Fauci, unsurprisingly, is aghast & refuses to take the suggestion seriously. pic.twitter.com/tzV7ckfP4T
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 30, 2021
Some quotes from the video:
“Is there a point where you will say ‘I do more harm than good because people don’t listen to me anymore’ and step aside?” Hewitt asked.
“No. Absolutely, unequivocally no,” Fauci answered.
Anthony Fauci added, “So because there are a lot of people who have ideas about conspiracies and changing minds and flip-flopping, that’s not a reason to step down. Not at all.”
Be sure to listen to the last section of the first video as Fauci’s voice rises with anger. He totally denies that he is an obstacle to people getting vaccinated and Hewitt continues to explain why the doctor is not effective.
When non-political people begin to make sense of this virus and realize all this bluster will be for naught then we can begin to make sensible choice. But until then, resist the machine.
IF anything, we shouldn’t give Fauci the CHOICE. HE SHOULD BE FORCED aside.
Way to go, Hugh!
Fauci is a DISASTER!
He LIES and passes the buck on EVERY important question he receives.
As EVERYONE knows, his answers CHANGED almost DAILY!
The ONLY thing that is CONSISTENT in his answers, is that it’s NEVER HIS FAULT!
President Uncle Joe has use these words many many times himself.
He is a Commucrat. NOTHING is ever their fault.
unfortunately has gone to his head. he is one of the highest paid in his positon and should retire. the accolade of our media made a monster .
I don’t think retirement is harsh enough for the damage he has personally overseen to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of We The People.
For his involvement in financing and lying to cover up the Wuhan Flu origins he deserves nothing less than imprisonment.
Conspiracies my butt! The facts speak for themselves.
HE DESERVES a swift, grusome and public execution.
NOT sitting in a Cushy jail cell, on OUR DIME for the rest of his life.
Lot of BS coming from both these heads. Fauchi has a huge problem pushing the so-called vaccine from Wuhan because he funded the gain of function there with full knowledge as he has stated. Fauchi is also involved in the patent on the CV19 and therefore stands to profit handsomely with the distribution of the shots. He has withheld safe treatments from the public in lue of an experimental drug that was not tested on humans and no one know the long term effects. He and the FDA and CDC can’t legally push this emergency use drug when safe and long tested virus treatments exist which Hugh the ‘Constitutional Scholar’ should know. Hugh just shoots his mouth without doing any research or talking to anybody that knows anything about medicine like the thousands of doctors and scientists that know how dangerous these MRNA therapies are and have been censored on social media and major networks. Lot of BS flying here.
really he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Anyone who was involved with messing with this virus and doing gain of function research is guilty of mass murder.
One! That’s not the real Fauci. This guy thinks We should ALL give up our lives for His One World Order. Fauci gives advice and has never had a patient. Fauci was not elected yet He is the highest paid person in government. Covid has NEVER been ISOLATED, so how can He create a vaccine ? Higher Death rates BY FAR are in areas where the vaccine is used the most, All over the word. India uses ONLY Ivermectin and they have NO deaths from COVID. (Real Raw News.com): Hilly, Bill Clinton, John Brennon, Podesta’s, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, Tom Hanks and Rita, And many more Gone after Military Tribunals. Quantum Finance system right around the corner Patriots. The White hats are in motion.