The Department of Homeland Security is warning the public that the United States faces a “heightened threat environment” nationwide this holiday season from domestic extremists and foreign terrorist organizations seeking to exploit the pandemic and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin on Wednesday that emphasizes groups and individuals are seeking to exploit online spaces to spread their violent narratives, promote their activity and inspire others to commit similar violence.
The bulletin, which expires Feb. 8, replaces one that was to end mid-day Thursday.
“The threat stream has not changed significantly; however, this is an important product that keeps the public updated about threats facing the United States and underscores the importance of the public to staying vigilant and reporting suspicious activity to law enforcement,” Mayorkas said in a statement.
While Homeland Security states it is not aware of an imminent and credible threat, the nation “continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as we approach several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence.”
The bulletin though similar to the one set to expire Thursday adds foreign terrorist organizations will seek to exploit perceived victories following the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan to inspire U.S. residents to engage in violent activities.
Domestic, racially motivated terrorists are also attempting to use the relocation of Afghan nationals to the United States to worsen grievances over immigration and the American Muslim community, it said.
The bulletin adds that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to “exacerbate” threats by domestic extremists, in particular those motivated by race or ethnicity who harbor anti-government beliefs.
“If a new COVID-19 variant emerges and new public health restrictions are imposed as a result, anti-government violent extremists could potentially use the new restrictions as a rationale to target government or public health officials or facilities,” the bulletin states.
Law enforcement officials are also warning that the widespread sharing of conspiracy theories that endorse violence online will continue to grow, and small groups or individuals may embrace violent tactics to achieve their ends, it said.
Foreign intelligence services are among those named in the bulletin along with domestic and foreign threat actors who will continue to introduce, amplify and disseminate narratives online that promote violence and calls against elected officials, political representatives, government families, law enforcement and religious communities, among other targets.
The bulletin was issued about a week after Timothy Langan, the FBI’s assistant director of the counterterrorism division, told the House intelligence committee on Nov. 3 that the threat of domestic terrorism has “significantly increased” in the last 18 months.
The number of FBI investigations into domestic violent extremists have more than doubled in the last year and more than 2,700 investigations into such threats have been conducted, he said.
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if it happens it will fall squarely on the mao biden administration the treasonous administration.
George Bush used “The soft bigotry of low expectations” in the launching of the No Child Left Behind Act. Biden and his crew use “The hard bigotry of high expectations” of terrorism which is just a No crisis left behind or let go to waste act on their part. as they likewise condescend to a strong American people and treat us like we are impotent, with the objective to be able to fool all the people all the time that there is some omnipresent big boogieman about to terrorize THE PEOPLE,,, to justify grabbing more power over THE PEOPLE, and keep them in a constant state of anxiety and unrest to create the next opportunity to control them. Biden and his anti-American rebellious crew of Afghan retreaters, are the collective equivalent of the Kenosha rioters, about to meet their own American Kyle Rittenhouse’s face to face in the next election, and hopefully for their sake not on the American streets. When the better Angels of our American nature speak to our consciences in times of evil challenges, true Americans listen, know what to do and then do it. When weak collective dependent Liberal Socialists silence their consciences, and the better Angels of their nature that God used to communicate, paying attention to only what the darker Angels of their nature speak, you just get bad advice and misinformation and total inaction from fearful sheep who think they are safe hiding within the government herd, protected by the strength (Money/Property) of others.
OF course they are here.. HE BROUGHT THEM IN and put out the welcome mat!
No need to worry as those traitors in charge of America are well protected from the domestic terrorists that they have given free passage into our country. Americans now must be on the lookout for politicians who want the lives of those opposed to their political views and the terrorists that the same politicians are giving our tax dollars to for invading our border but no need again to worry even if these terrorists have covid they have been cleared from spreading the virus or having wearing a mask. I suppose it is because the masks are to remain available for us to purchase with all the tax dollars we are saving compliments of bozo joe and his gang of hoes & rogues. FJB!!!!!!!
I WONDER WHY???? last summer has clues!!!!! Start with the “defunding” BS!!!!!
AND the cancelling of the border wall!
Every darn year, holiday a worthless gubment entity issues the same “warning”. EVERY DARN YEAR. And nothing, nothing happens. Don’t these dumb people learn from history. I guess I for one am getting very tired of the gubment ineptness, lack of Intelligence. Like killing seven children in Afghanistan and then claiming NO responsibility. NO RESPONSIBILITY. Are you kidding me? Seven innocent children.
Somehow I’m pretty sure that the Biden administration won’t classify the Antifa group (that attacked a group of people exercising their 1st amendment rights regarding mandates) as a domestic terrorist group. They save that for concerned parents, people who don’t want to be forced to get an experimental vaccine, or those who don’t agree with Biden.
IIRC trump WANTED to, but the Dept of NO JUSTICE, said “NO”.