Anyone watching leftist cable news channels knows that it’s considered fair commentary to categorize Republicans, individually or collectively, as “white nationalists” or “white supremacists.” Anyone standing in the way of the Black Lives Matter/critical race theory crusade is dealt the Racist card.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis scored a political win in pressuring the College Board to tone down their proposed Advanced Placement curriculum on “African American Studies.” Every conservative knows from experience that when you place “studies” in front of a minority group — black studies, queer studies, Native American studies, women’s studies — you can expect a highly ideological journey.
DeSantis dared to take on the Left, and for this, he is despised by the press, especially the under-40 contingent that’s most fervently “woke.” On Feb. 1, when CNN anchor Bianna Golodryga asked former Obama education secretary Arne Duncan for his hot take on the DeSantis objections, she drew predictable results.
Duncan began: “Unfortunately, you know, Governor DeSantis has been very, very clear he has what appears to be a white nationalist agenda.” Duncan offered no evidence for his inflammatory smear, and Golodryga didn’t ask for it.
Duncan wasn’t finished: “And what I hate most is he just always attacks the most vulnerable, whether it’s the AP African-American history, whether it’s the LGBTQ community, whether it’s immigrants, he always attacks the most vulnerable.” He added that he hopes voters “don’t think that is what our country needs — is more bullying, more attacking on those that need our help and our support.”
Democrats always act like only their constituencies are “vulnerable,” and can never be plausibly challenged or criticized for anything because that’s “bullying.” Their supporters can never be too radical or cynical or hateful. But if you’re black or gay or an immigrant and you criticize Democrats, that’s obviously different. Then you’re a traitor to your community.
The Big Lie — to borrow from daily CNN lingo — is that Republicans object to teaching slavery or segregation in American history classes, or as Duncan claimed, they want to “hide the tough parts.” Instead, the objections center on contemporary propaganda about “intersectionality and activism,” “incarceration and abolition (of prisons),” and boosterism for Black Lives Matter.
Later on the same day, CNN host Laura Coates proclaimed the need “to clarify and fact-check what has been said,” and brought on Robert Patterson, who teaches African American Studies at Georgetown University. Naturally, he suggested DeSantis & Co. were marinating in white supremacy: “What this course is doing is challenging white supremacy, is challenging anti-Black racism, and quite frankly, that seems to be part of the issue that the state of Florida has taken with the course.”
CNN didn’t tell viewers how radical this professor is. In 2020, Patterson extolled Black Lives Matter in one academic journal for their “rejection of capitalism as a broader critique of neoliberalism’s forceful role in maintaining black dispossession” and for offering “a framework through which to enact short-term change, while pushing to dismantle the larger system of antiblack racism that is refracted through global capitalism.”
Patterson works at a “Catholic” college and he also lauded BLM for their “concurrent attack against intraracial sexism, heterosexism, and transphobia,” as “BLM deprivileges heteronormativity to show that black freedom dreams must include gender and sexual liberation.” So, let’s guess if Patterson was fully in support of the AP course before DeSantis objected, you can understand how fervently it would seek to brainwash high-school kids.
Ron DeSantis was just reelected with 59% of the vote, but CNN and their left-wing guests want to suggest that he’s the one that’s “outside the mainstream.”
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog To find out more about Tim Graham and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
#1. CNN is nothing but a non-credible, Lying extension of the treasonous, dishonest, unethical Democrat Party.
#2. To fully advance the Lying, Treasonous, Demonic, Woke, Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive beliefs and agendas is to divide our citizens with hate and promote – racism, open borders, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender, same sex marriage, child indoctrination into sexual confusion and perversions, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with GOD, our Constitution, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the of Disguise of Democrats versions of “anti-discrimination.”
Bigotry is not necessarily always a bad thing. One need not tolerate or accept every belief or action of another.
It is better to be condemned by Democrats for obeying God and his Word, the Holy Bible and standing up for one’s morals and values.
Than to be on their knees bowing down for the crumbs and the whims of the corrupt and immoral demonic Democrats.
What’s truly tragic is just how “blind” the political left is.
They hate Christians, but seem to love and extoll the virtues of other faiths, and in particular, you don’t dare say anything disparaging about Muslims.
According to a poll, done several years back, a full 25% of all Muslims believe things like suicide bombings are justified, the world should live under strict Islamic law, etc. In a faith with 1.5 to 2 billion adherents, 25% that’s a lot of people.
If these people ever gain power in this country, and I think, slowly but surely, we’re starting to see that happen, who do you think they’re gonna go after?
Answer: The LGBTQ+ community, women, Christians and any other non-Muslim, group, etc.
Perhaps, instead of bitching and moaning about just how bad everyone in this nation, with the exception of whites, has it, they might do well to consider the alternative.
If America continues on her downhill decline, the result will be dictatorship, if we’re not there already, and probably a theocratic dictatorship.
It’s not blindness, its more like they just don’t CARE what the outcome may wind up being, IF islam ever DOES get full sway.
It’s obvious that CNN supports the indoctrination of the woke liberal agenda’s propaganda on race, sex, the alphbet soup of other special interests into children instead of teaching the thought processes that go into thinking. Facts about slavery were taught a long time ago when I was in school, today’s facts seem to skip over the Democrat Party being deeply involved at the time and making all white people guilty. As for the 1619 date, native tribes went to wae and made slaves of other tribes long before any European set foot in the New World!
Facts?? THEY need no stinking facts! They got their agenda.. And that’s all they see!
Maybe envious socialist educational race war mongers should ask themselves, why has historical White Supremacy exceled when it came to economics, High-Technology, Space Exploration, Food Production, Medical breakthroughs, Creating and preserving world liberty for people of all colors, and providing national surpluses that can be socially shared by others, while Blacks Supremacy excels in, marching, complaining, victimhood, ingratitude, envy, entitlement, community violence that discriminates in ways that focus mostly on their own race, and tears down and burns down the homes and businesses built up mostly by previous generations of whites, aborting their own children at twice the rates of other races, while coming up with no cures for cancer, COVID, scientific breakthroughs, and when they run whites out of their countries like South Africa which was the bread basket that fed not only itself, but other black nations, now cannot even feed itself. Whites are dying for vivid, cogent empirical examples of blacks being equally able to deal with the challenges of modern society, but when entrusted with the funding and ability to shine, run complicated big city governments, they just squander the opportunity, in the envious entitlement excuses, finger pointing, blame gaming to put the guilt of their own failures upon some imaginary White slave holding bogey man from the past, totally ignoring the black African slave sellers who had been in business there for centuries.
Also, why is it, if blacks are only ‘oppressed’ because of whites, HOW THEN DO they explain 99% of africa!