A military watchdog is pleading with the new budget-approving, Republican-led Congress to call out morale-crushing wokeness and support major changes in the U.S. armed forces in light of missed recruitment goals and poor retention numbers.
When the 2022 fiscal year ended Sept. 30, the U.S. Army announced fell short of its recruitment goal by about 15,000 soldiers, or 25% of its target, the Army Times reported last fall. Other military branches struggled to hit their recruitment numbers during the year, too, but only the Army failed to meet its goal, the article said.
Elaine Donnelly, who leads the Center for Military Readiness, predicts the Army’s recruiting crisis will continue in 2023 so Congress can and should address it.
“Congress has an obligation for oversight,” she tells AFN. “And I believe they will do something about this because we can’t go on like this.”
According to Donnelly and CMR, Congress should demand the Pentagon drop its “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” program and related Critical Race Theory-based instructions; end its plan to register women with Selective Service; stop allowing women in infantry units to enjoy less-rigorous training standards; and drop COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
That list of grievances is not just the wish list from a right-leaning think tank. A story by The Military Times, published last fall, said it heard from hundreds of military veterans who said they are not and will not recommend military service to young adults, including their children.
Most of them said “wokeness” and the “social experiment” happening in the branches is the reason, the Times story acknowledged.
“Instead of training and preparing for combat,” a former Navy submariner told the Times, “today’s military is too busy worrying about teaching proper pronouns, how to incorporate men who think they’re women and women who think they’re men into the barracks and showers.”
To its credit, the wokeness article never claims military units aren’t being subjected to left-wing indoctrination. Instead, it quotes military service members who insist the criticism is not justified.
Only a “tiny fraction” of military training includes diversity, equity, and inclusion education, the Times story insists.
As far as Congress taking action, Donnelly says the power of the purse is the key.
“The House does provide funding,” she points out, “so a number of people are looking at ways to cut the budget.”
The current armed forces is filled with non-essential agencies, task forces, departments, and commissions that are promoting woke policies, Donnelly advises, and all of them deserve to be scrutinized in light of budget priorities.
“I think all of them,” she concludes, “are going to be looked at very closely.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
The only gender our troops need to understand are two,,,,friend or enemy. ANYTHING that diverts attention from that and diminishes our troop’s ability to focus on destroying the enemy, should be cut out like the cancer it is, implanted by the very foreign enemies who seek our American destruction. War is no socialist lab experiment where do’overs are allowed, or acceptable, and failure is not an option.
The military, unfortunately has LONG BEEN Used as a ‘social experiment’, since the days of WW2…
“Instead of training and preparing for combat,” a former Navy submariner told the Times, “today’s military is too busy worrying about teaching proper pronouns, how to incorporate men who think they’re women and women who think they’re men into the barracks and showers.”
I am a retired sailor, but today with this woke, immoral, dishonorable agendas and philosophy. I would not even consider joining today’s military!
That’s the whole goal of the WOKE traitors agenda,,,,out with the strong and brave men of temerity , in with the weak and the fearful men of timidity. Out with those who can think on their feet,,,in with those who just beat feet when the going gets tough. Out with men of action who give the enemy no quarter, in with the timid too busy thinking about offending others, including the enemy,,long enough to take a bullet in the head.
I hope you’re wrong, but fear you’re right..
The object and mission of our armed forces should be military preparedness! Period! The progressives, or woke as they are referred to, have found an easy target in order to advance their social agenda. Since a military organization is a top down, chain of command, disciplined(?) organization, the highest ranking commanding officer ranks filled with ‘woke’ policy personell, the structure makes it easy to indoctrinate and inculcate the entire force under their command with nonsensical ideas which promote discension among the ranks by identifying individuals as belonging to separate groups rather than one cohesive fighting unit! In other words, no one has to get with the program they allowed to march to different drummers!
Which is why Obama, started the PURGE at the TOP, of patriots, and conservatives..
All of the societal and cultural ills that plague our nation on every level can be likened to a crabgrass that infests the national landscape and chokes out the lush lawn that was there before it.
One of Rush Limbaugh’s 35 Undeniable Truths of Life states: “The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things.”
Now days, its to kiss butt, and make nice.. OR so it seems.