Listening to all the artificial and overblown “hysteria” over vaccines, new “surges” in Wu-Flu cases, and dire prognostications over the fate of humanity if America doesn’t enter into another “lock down,” it is glaringly obvious that leftist Democrats are desperate to relive the 2020 “pandemic” glory days. Americans were dubious last year over the clear over-reaches of government, but without knowing the real extent of the threat, they were generally compliant. Predictably, the left severely overplayed its hand, and proved its motives to be entirely political. So a repeat of the fiasco is unlikely.
After the best economy in the history of the country was nearly driven to ruin, and the stage was set for the 2020 Presidential election to be stolen by an inept, corrupt, and highly unpopular leftist cabal, parading the hapless Joe Biden as its sock puppet, virtually every calamitous warning from the “medical” experts has proven to be grossly, if not deliberately, wrong. Mere incompetence cannot explain such a pattern, since its effects were universally beneficial to the political fortunes of the party of discord and chaos.
It is appalling, but very telling, that leftist Democrats believe they can once again shatter the well-being of Americans with their panicked warnings of yet more impending disaster. Ultimately, such leftist Democrat efforts to “cry wolf” in this manner reflect their abject contempt for Americans, whom they regard as fearful and gullible “sheep” to be stampeded in any direction at the whims of key Democrat players.
The latest inanities being spewed from the CDC, the creepy little Dr. Fauci, and their parakeets on the nightly Fake News are too numerous and too disjointed to be properly catalogued. But they bear one common thread. We all need to forfeit our liberties as free citizens, abandon the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and just let power hungry leftists have complete and unquestioned control of the country if we are to survive this new wave of plague and death. Rings a bit hollow, doesn’t it?
It would take an entire library to catalogue all of the lies, exaggerations, contradictions, and other unwarranted excesses that the left successfully perpetrated on America in 2020. But even a few examples ought to suffice as reminders of just how deceitful and malignant leftists are, the moment they see an opportunity to create havoc and suffering, in their fanatical quest to amass power.
For starters, when President Trump shut down travel to and from China, at the earliest signs of the virus, leftists went crazy with all their reflexive accusations of “bigotry and hate,” with Nancy Pelosi grandstanding in Chinatown, claiming public gatherings were perfectly safe. Within a few weeks, she and other leftist squawk boxes were spewing new accusations that the President “ignored the danger” and hadn’t acted quickly enough to stop it. On the heels of that, he was ultimately blamed for virtually every death attributed to the virus.
The Wu-Flu circus was underway. Initially, Church closures, business closures, and other lockdowns were ordered with the understanding that it might take two to three weeks before things could return to normal. That turned into two to three months, with leftists longing for it to eventually be two to three years. Nothing but objectivity and “following the science” here.
Then the whole mask lunacy ensued. Here again, early assurances of the total uselessness of masks were suddenly and completely contradicted. Before long, masks of any type, including those that were obviously porous, were nonetheless a life and death necessity, required in every public venue, and even stipulated in some leftist Democrat jurisdictions for members of the immediate family inside one’s own home. Massive studies proving their total uselessness were venomously attacked and dismissed. The visual and emotional impact of an entire population under constant deadly threat was just too invaluable to leftists, and to their plans of thoroughly corrupting the 2020 Presidential Election.
In the midst of all this, some really astonishing results were observed from the use of Hydroxychloroquine, a readily available pharmaceutical, with a decades long track record of safe use. Amazingly, leftists declared open war on the treatment, mocking and deriding it, to the point of preventing its use by threats of legal action. When the dust settles, the needless deaths from its suppression will likely number in the tens or hundreds of thousands in America alone. At the same time, leftist Democrat Governors such as Andrew Cuomo of New York forced diseased patients into nursing homes, where the virus could quickly spread to other aged and vulnerable residents, causing enormous, wholly pointless suffering and death.
In neither case were such abominable decisions an accident. Those responsible for the misinformation and homicidal policy are absolutely guilty. Yet the DOJ has just announced that it sees no reason to pursue any of the blue-state governors who authored such appalling policy. Of course it is the same DOJ that declared Hillary “innocent” of trafficking in classified material on her personal computer. So those “dots” do connect.
While all of the previous insanity is difficult to grasp, it has since been totally eclipsed by “phase 2,” which was the whole vaccine scam. In the real world, vaccines cause the human body to generate antibodies, which allow it to thwart any new attempts of the virus to invade. Yet we’re now being told that Covid “vaccines” don’t accomplish that, or that people who already have the antibodies must still get the vaccine. Furthermore, the totally useless and ineffective masks are being demanded once again, even for those who have had the disease and recovered from it, or have been vaccinated.
The lies and psychosis of the pro-pandemic crowd are mutating faster than any “delta variant,” and always for the purpose of convincing Americans that we face imminent misery and death, unless we mindlessly follow the random and incoherent edicts of leftists at every level of government. But this time around, it finally looks like Americans have grown wise to the ruse and are ready to say a resounding “NO!” to all of it. Republican Governors are refusing to lock down, and even within blue state cesspools, city officials and county sheriffs are refusing to enforce lockdown edicts. The scope and intensity of threats and transparent attempts at psychological intimidation for those who refuse to comply with masks, lockdowns, or demands to get the “clot shot” are themselves evidence that a large number of Americans see through all the deception and are not having any of it.
Historically, whenever the alarmism of leftists exceeds rational thought and totally loses credibility, their reflexive reaction is to increase the shrillness and hysteria of their squalling. At that point, they reveal their true insincerity for all to see, and their sham effort collapses. They are currently teetering precariously on that precipice.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
A glaring omission in this story is the Republican Establishment’s willing compliance. They have been the Radical Left’s sock puppet all through the theft of the elections, big tech’s control of speech, the coverup of Jan 6th and the false Wuhan Flu hysteria.
“ it is glaringly obvious that leftist Democrats are desperate to relive the 2020 “pandemic”,,,,,and relive the lockdowns that diminished in person voting and let loose the dogs of fraudulent mail-in votes that bit America back into bloody division. If WE THE PEOPLE do not recognize that COVID fear that leads to Democrat party resurrection, is just the means to another socialist redistribution of the next election back into their hands,,, then the media has mentally conquered the nation ruled not by THE PEOPLE but the 4th estate, which now reflects not a REAL estate, but a tent city of cardboard drug addicts where social dependency is the addictive drug of first choice, while the babbling party leaders live separated in their own ivory twin towers of power and greed, destined to fall like the towers of babel.
I’m thinking the American people have had enough, screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me. Pretty sure the democrats are pretty much pi$$ing in the wind. Of course, you’ll still have the brainless ones that wear a mask in their cars? I bet they wear them at home as well. THAT right there should tell you all you need to know.
Among other lies there is Global Warming, the Trump-Russia collision, the honest 2020 election, the competence of Biden, and patriotism of Hillary Clinton. If a new equally valid story is needed, I suggest the imminent danger of invasion by the giant orange beings from Jupiter. Expect this to be announced any day by the Fake News.
I agree, that if it wasn’t for the republicans almost Capitulation, the dems wouldn’t have been able to DO THIS… BUT unfortunately there are also just TOO DAMN MANY useless idiots out there in, society, who keep BELIEVING all these lies…
Christopher Adamo, Great commentary. You hit the nail on the head. “The lies and psychosis” of the left / communists is spot on. The left is mentally ill and the left is communist!
LETS HOPE enough of us stand up and say “NO MORE” to these lies….
This is just another way to destroy our country.
The Dishonorable, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
Super good article, Chris.
“The lies and psychosis of the pro-pandemic crowd are mutating faster than any “delta variant,” and always for the purpose of convincing Americans that we face imminent misery and death, unless we mindlessly follow the random and incoherent edicts of leftists at every level of government.”
Perhaps a greater threat to our well being than COVID is the stupidity virus and the infecting of our culture and society by the Liberal agenda. Lawlessness is allowed to run rampant and the terrorist organizations engaging in riots and chaos are not shut down. Our schools have become propaganda centers where students are brainwashed with anti-America rhetoric and anti-Christian values. Our borders are left unprotected. The economic strides and job growth accomplished under Trump were wiped away with the stroke of a pen by Biden. As government seeks more power grabs, our rights and freedoms are being eroded. COVID is pale by comparison to the ongoing assault on our country on a daily basis by both internal and external threats. If you were worth a damn, Biden, you would be fixated on that, but since you are a big part of the problem, that becomes a moot point.
That ‘stupidity virus’, is why i would love to RAISE THE voting age to at least 25, if not 30.. AND MANDATE IQ tests to register to vote.. SO WE CAN WEED OUT The dumb brainless lemmings our marxist colleges and high schools keep cranking out.
And now that the CDC is on the brink of accepting that the COVID jab (I hesitate to call it a vaccine) doesn’t stop someone from carrying the same viral load as an un ‘vaccinated’ person even the idea that the jab will protect those around you is false. We have been lied to since day one…the question is why?
“Bow down and worship at the feet of the communist dictatorship being installed.” This is the plan of the Prince of Darkness; the one who is, in turn, worshipped by the earthly conspirators.
POwer and control.. power and control.
On Ringside politics I heard a caller say he was talking with his doctor about the covid jab. He has had the pneumococcal vaccine and since covid turns into pneumonia they felt there was no need to get the jab. Since I had the pneumococcal vaccina a couple of years ago I guess I have a real vaccine against covid so there is no need to get a fake one which I had no plans on getting anyway.
When the govt wants to threaten your life to take the vaccine, it CANNOT have anything to do with HEALTH. It’s all about POWER. Is it me? or does it feel like the brainless power hungry democrats are playing musical chairs with masks? It’s almost like everywhere you go, you have to ask is it mask day or is that last week or next week. When masks are required I stay at home with my money. That’s what the democrats want. ALL SMALL business’s to be shut down so Biden’s big business can rule the roost. All these people sitting at home thinking they’ve got it made are going to be in for a shock when all of their favorite places are shut because they sat at home and waiting for a check while the whole infrastructure was being disassembled all around them.
Given the Twitter/Facebook ban on misinformation, I wonder if they should ban leftists from the platform. This article gives good reasons.
They will keep making more lies, it’ what demorats do best!
I honestly believe LYING IS ALL DEMOCRATS can do! There is not an honest bone in their entire bodies.
The source of lies is endless. Satan began his string of lies at the Garden of Eden and his lackies, the godless liberals, obey his commands to keep the deceptions coming.
For us, “ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.”
“a repeat of the fiasco is unlikely” (quote from the article). Hi Christopher. I strongly disagree with your conclusion in the first paragraph. I wish it were so but I think not. Compliant citizens easily acquiesced – our gubment wouldn’t lie to us or harm us. They are the good guys. I think this fiasco was planned from the very beginning, going back many years. Just like the Patriot Act – waiting for an event to occur that would “justify” implementation of these draconian procedures. And most Americans don’t have the knowledge and/or the will to question, let alone form their own science based conclusion. The purpose is to suppress and oppress the people and make them dependent upon the state. I think round two is the COVID variant (we used to call it a mutation) and measures will be far worse and much more repressive.
If we let it happen, there will be round three, four, five, etc until the “socialist utopia” (think North Korea) is a reality in America.
Rebel now, while you can.
Assuming you CAN rebel… Some it just seems are too wussified to imo ever rebel against our govt masters.