Critics are calling a potential increase in the federal gas tax “the wrong policy at the wrong time.”
During an appearance before senators last week, Transportation Secretary-nominee Pete Buttigieg said the administration is open to increasing the gas tax, which has not been done in decades. It could bring in more revenue for infrastructure projects.
“All options need to be on the table,” Buttigieg told senators. “As you know, the gas tax has not been increased since 1993, it’s never been pegged to inflation, and it’s one of the reasons why the current state of the Highway Trust Fund is that there’s more going out than coming in.”
David Williams, president of Taxpayers Protection Alliance, is not in favor of the idea.
“This is the wrong policy at the wrong time, and it doesn’t make sense for taxpayers; it doesn’t make sense for consumers,” Williams tells One News Now. “It’s going to hit middle-and lower-income folks the most, because they’re the ones that are going to be most affected by this — and also folks in the rural areas that depend upon their cars and their trucks.”
President Biden has promised not to increase taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year, but Williams believes that is out the door.
“This gas tax is going to hit everybody, especially low and middle-income people,” he reiterates.
It remains to be seen how much additional revenue a gas tax increase would bring in to the coffers. The federal government has for many years now pushed automakers to make vehicles that go farther on a tank of gas. Meanwhile, there is a small but growing market of electric and hybrid vehicle buyers. Add that to the population that commutes or takes public transportation, and an increased gas tax could still lead to a tax increase somewhere else to make up for the lack of revenue.
“In the long-term, we need to bear in mind also that as vehicles become more efficient, and as we pursue electrification, sooner or later there will be questions about whether the gas tax can be effective at all,” Buttigieg told senators.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
the biden administration is full hot air gas and idiots.
If Biden shuts down the pipelines and we cannot produce oil, gas goes to $4-5.00/gallon and the difference goes to Russia, Iran, MIddle East oil sheiks while Canadian oil gets pipelined to the west coast for shipping to China. The money flows out to make Foreigners Great again and America their cow they can milk. If they want to keep the plunder within the country and still deny American consumers cheap gas, they can just raise our taxes by $2-$3.00/gallon and at least the money stayes in the USA and we don’t go further into debt to fight mindless wars in the middle East on borrowed money. But NO! Chuckleheads who make love to everything and everyone foreign, including sappy tree knots like Buttigeig want to molest the American tree of Liberty with BOTH plagues. TRAITORS !
MAYBE if the dunderheads, STOPPED Ripping up the same stretches of road, and ‘repaving them’, YEAR AFTER BLOODY YEAR, while using SUBSTANDARD material, so they got ruined quicker, WE WOULDN’T have to spend so bloody much EACH YEAR ON FIXING our roads!!!
Oh, you mean like the German Autobahn, that was started in 1932 and is still in use today, where the roads are so good that there are no speed limits? You mean like that?
Maybe they don’t speak German and don’t understand the construction principles, pouring concrete can be complicated, I think you have to speak German, perhaps our nations engineers don’t understand German?
Or could it be that, as with anything the government does, job security is job one. I you do a bad job, they will pay you to comeback and do it again and again, again and again! Oh yeah, on our dime!
Exactly.. It seems, the MORE incompetent, and LESS quality work you do, THE MORE LIKELY you are to get and KEEP govt contracts..
A gas tax is both regressive and punishes those who live in suburban and rural areas. I can absolutely see the Biden administration doing this…another way to punish those in the ‘fly-over country’ for having the audacity to support and vote for Donald Trump.
Exactly. THOSE In the cities (IE DEM VOTERS) won’t be impacted, anywhere near as much, as Joe blow farmer, or those in suburbia/rurual america, 90% of which are conservatives…
SO MUCH FOR wanting to unite us…
It’s impossible to process the idiocy inherent in Biden/Buttigieg/Progressive policies. Increase federal income taxes, increase gas taxes but cancel oil & gas leases on federal land (note to Joe: These leases bring revenue to Uncle Sam). Are these imbeciles really concerned about federal government revenue? Unlikely. Looks more like pure stupid policy grounded in moral and intellectual bankruptcy.
AND utter HATE and contempt for middle america…
More Hell, more theft, more pain, more suffering, more insane counter productive economic polices. more lying, cheating and stealing. Their only concern is how to defund you and your family. The middle class has too much money according to Democrats. They want us all to beg for the food we eat and homes we live in.
Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to the dark side. The dark side, leads to bing eating oatmeal raisin cookies…
Democrats are always for more taxes and they are the party of the people. Which people are we talking about? The people that support this country always get to pay more. We are running out of money and patience folks
The more tax they take in the more funding for their leftist leaches in
government jobs regulating real working people who they are putting
out of work, duh! Stocking the swamp is underway, stolen elections
have consequences…………William
AT least real life leeches, serve a MEDICAL purpose (as well as one in the Animal kingdom).. THESE LEECHES do not.
Raising gas taxes? Gone are affordable gas prices! Gone is our energy independence!
Pa. already has the highest gas tax in the nation!
Who voted in this clown???
PITY the voters there, will be too busy KISSING HIS BOOTS over all his Social INJUSTICE balloney, to really realize HOW SHANKED UP they’ve made this nation, cause of that.
The teacher’s union. Everyone else voted against Orange Man Bad.
Didn’t you get the memo? The election was rigged using mail in balloting and corrupt election officials.
” It could bring in more revenue for infrastructure projects.”
There’s the bait. It’s the same old worm they’ve been using forever. The reason there are so darned many infrastructure projects to do is that that money has rarely been used for them as it was promised.
The government COULD cut waste and we legal citizens could all have everything we have been paying for. But that is less popular in D.C. than a fair hearing on fraud in the 2020 election.
Fraud and waste.. What fraud and waste.. OH yea, we had to pay 2,000 bucks for a hammer, and 800 bucks for a box of nails…
Well, once you’ve spent the cash for a nice hammer like that you don’t want to waste it on just any old nail.
My favorite boondoggle was the huge sum blown on the zero gravity pen for use in outer space.
The Russians used pencils.
What about the 13,500 buck Toilets for airplanes… COME AGAIN?!
AND if i remember the story it was about, that was JUST FOR THE TOILET SEAT itself. NOT the whole potty…
Well, America, bend over and grab your ankles! Here it comes!
As we said in the military.. BOHICA.. Bend over, Here it Comes again!!
Demos spend, spend and spend. Conservatives pay taxes so the Demos can spend.. It’s Biden version of “Unity”.
Everyone working together, doing their part. Socialistic bliss.
IF the left had their way, ONLY The conservatives (WHITES) would work, all others, would MOOCH of our labor.