inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Apperntly Misery DOES love company,,,,1.3 MIllions jobs lost to American citizens last statistic,,,1.2 million illegals found jobs during the same…” Sep 7, 17:02
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Rge chose Kamal becasue she is the wide joyous gate than leads to destruction, in stead of the sober narrow…” Sep 7, 16:28
Joe says: “when you can’t beat ’em—join ’em.”
A # of us said HIS Only building back better, WOULD BE OUR ENEMY…
Showing his true colors. Thanks, all you cheating thieving Demonrats!
Thanks to Bidemented, the Taliban are better equipped militarily than some NATO nations according to Douglas Murray of Britain.
THey’re more armed up than MANY NATO allies…