Those lying DemonRats have been undermining our national security for generations. It shouldn’t surprise us if they destroy our borders, energy independance economy, any and all morality, our educational system, the media, our military, etc. etc. etc.
John29 on Kamala’s Housing Reparations: “Giving money and loans to people who think pay bills is racist . Will just lead to mass Repossessions. These…” Sep 15, 15:21
disqus_L7PQaRPVjG on Definition of Insanity: “The democrat party has become the globalist communist party, “You will own nothing and eat bugs , or you won’t…” Sep 15, 14:02
“I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” – Alan Greenspan
The administration of doublespeak.
You are not seeing what your eyes are telling you..
“Are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes!!”
Those lying DemonRats have been undermining our national security for generations. It shouldn’t surprise us if they destroy our borders, energy independance economy, any and all morality, our educational system, the media, our military, etc. etc. etc.