Top congressional Democrats including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are pushing new laws to stamp out “domestic terrorism.” But they’re targeting only right-wing organizations. If rioters are looting and setting fires for a leftist cause, that’s OK.
President Joe Biden’s newly appointed attorney general, Merrick Garland, labels the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol invasion as “domestic terror,” but refuses to apply the same term to the left-wing rioters who attacked the Portland federal courthouse last summer.
The Democrats’ efforts to label only right-leaning groups as domestic terrorists is un-American. The First Amendment guarantees that we can join any political group we like, as long as we don’t commit a crime.
If protesters attack a courthouse, assault cops or loot stores, there are enough laws on the books to punish them. And offenders should get the same treatment, whether they identify with antifa or the Proud Boys.
Tell that to Schumer. He introduced a Senate resolution calling on the FBI and intelligence community to examine the leadership and membership of right-wing groups and “prioritize the investigation and prosecution of such groups.”
Schumer’s proposal is dangerous. Belonging to an ideological group — far left or far right — isn’t a crime in the U.S. You can be a Nazi, a Marxist, a member of the Proud Boys or any other despicable movement. The FBI’s job is to investigate violent crimes, not ideology. It doesn’t designate certain groups as domestic terrorists, though Schumer’s resolution is suggesting they do that.
Schumer also promises to fast-track the proposed Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, a bill that calls for law enforcement “monitoring” of right-wing groups. You could become a target by interacting with such a group, even if you don’t commit a crime.
The same bill would stiffen penalties for lawbreakers motivated by political beliefs the authorities don’t approve of. Picture jails filled with right-wing protesters serving long sentences when Democrats are in power and vice-versa. Welcome to Putin-ville.
In the past, the U.S. has dealt effectively with extremist violence. In the 1970s, lefties from the Animal Liberation Front attacked animal testing facilities. The Symbionese Liberation Army committed murders and robbed banks. The individuals who committed the crimes were punished, but the federal government didn’t designate the groups as terrorists or criminalize belonging to them.
Now, Democrats claim a right-wing threat justifies drastic action. The Washington Post says “domestic terrorism incidents have soared to new highs in the United States, driven chiefly by white supremacist, anti-Muslim and anti-government extremists on the far right.”
That’s untrue. The Washington Post cites a report from the highly woke Center for Strategic and International Studies, which recorded 73 “far-right” violent incidents with two resulting deaths in 2020, compared with 25 leftist incidents with one resulting death. The numbers are minuscule, and the comparison between left and right incidents is meaningless because CSIS didn’t count many of the violent events during last year’s nationwide unrest after George Floyd’s death.
During the riots, as many as 700 law enforcement officials were injured and property damage reached $2 billion. That shows leftist protesters, often acting with impunity, are a major threat.
Tell that to Garland.
In May 2020, as rioters were attacking public buildings in Portland and Minneapolis, Garland’s predecessor, William Barr, deplored the attacks as “domestic terrorism” and named left-wing groups such as antifa.
But in a Senate hearing this February, Garland refused to call burning the Portland courthouse domestic terrorism. People are more likely to call something terrorism when they disagree with the ideology of the perpetrators.
Therein lies the danger. Even the ACLU and some Democratic lawmakers oppose a domestic terrorism law.
It’s not needed to keep the peace. What’s needed is a clear message that if protesters resort to looting, assaulting police or destroying public buildings, then they’ll be punished, no matter how just their cause.
That’s the opposite of California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters’ message to Minneapolis protesters early Sunday, when she urged them to be “more confrontational.” Yet, in Congress, she’s exhorting federal investigators to shut down right-wing protesters.
Waters’ hypocrisy shows how dangerous a domestic terrorism law would be.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Schume, “introduced a Senate resolution calling on the FBI and intelligence community to examine the leadership and membership of right-wing groups and “prioritize the investigation and prosecution of such groups.” In other words, we Conservatives will be arrested by the Stasi / Gestapo FBI and the Intelligence agencies.
MORE proof, that the left wants to literally CRUSH all opposition…
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started. You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
The Dishonorable, Democrat Party in the U.S. game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
SINCE most of them DESPISE this nation, of COURSE they care not about the cost to it or to the people..
Chuckie Boy, you can’t very well fix a problem that you cannot properly identify. You need only look in your own backyard, Chuck—ever heard of Maxine Waters? You bunch of two-faced, inept morons are pathetic.
It stands to reason that there would be an upswing in violence when the root cause is not addressed. You people have changed the definition of so many words that intelligent conversation cannot be carried on. Rioters and
protesters”—burning, looting, destroying, and killing—what have you done about that? It goes on every day. Innocent people are losing their homes, businesses, and lives because of your smug refusal to deal with the problem. Local Leftist leaders in the affected localities even encourage this nonsense. Then there are cries to defund the police and to handcuff them during all the civil unrest—telling them to stand down while real domestic terrorism goes unchecked.
You do not want the average citizen to have the ability to defend themselves, but the Capitol is now surrounded by fencing and National Guards and Congress members pay for private security. Prisoners are released from prison out of concern for COVID and the southern border has become a revolving door for whomever wants to come and go.
And you are concerned about domestic terrorism, Chuck? You’re a joke, Schumer—just not a funny one.
He’s not a joke, he’s a NIGHTMARE.
The whole deal with democrats,appears to be a shoring up of their base of illiterate blacks and hispanics.
Trump made inroads on this group,and without these democrats cannot win.
Now they are after a new group,which is Asians. Every attack on camera,I have seen was perpetrated by a black.
This narrative will not do and the trained major media will not report it.
If you republicans do not wake up and actually do something about the rino’s and non-participants in the party,we may as well
go home and witness America’s destruction.
What everyone needs to understand and fully accept is this: The Left is not interested in discussion. They are not interested in the free exchange of ideas. They are not interested in debate. They want all opposition crushed…. they want single-party Marxist rule in America. You either submit 100%, or you die. It’s that simple.
This is EXACTLY why this Socialist Democrat Party needs to be Destroyed!!
If not We the People will become servants, subjects, slaves and wards to the Socialist Democrat Party.
The Dishonorable, Democrat Party in the U.S. game plan is
to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
👿 🙁 🙁 🙁
THey are literally the borg. YOU WILL BE assimilated, or else..
Not sure why people keep lumping the Proud Boys with hate-filled left-wing terrorist organizations like Antifa, BLM, KKK, and the Demorat party. The Proud Boys is a Pro-American Organization that seeks to protect our freedoms and liberty and to push back against the these left wing terrorist organizations.
The Proud Boys are not a racist organization and their leader is Afro-Cuban, however the lefts BLM and KKK are racists organizations and Antifa doesn’t mind working with the racist BLM scum as they both believe in the destruction of the USA as BLM is an Anti-American Marxist organization and Antifa is an Anti-American Communist organization, not a whole lot of differences.
PB founder Gavin McInnes is openly anti-Semitic, and if the organization doesn’t want to be branded as racist, it should publicly denounce that stance.
Likewise, what you say is correct, all of BLM is rightfully branded as Communist unless it denounces its founders’ Marxism.
Really, McInnes has not been part of the Proud Boys for three years as he left in 2018. Also McInnes is a Canadian comedian who real does not know much of anything and says some dumb things like calling NAZIs ‘far-right’, anyone honest and intelligent person knows the NAZIs were ‘far-left’ Socialist Totalitarians as they have nothing in common with Conservatives or Libertarians but rather have a lot in common with Communists, other Socialists, Fascists all of whom are Left-wing Totalitarians. Totalitarianism is a product of the left as all left-wingers are Totalitarians. BTW modern day Liberals are Fascists by definition, just get out an old Websters dictionary and look up Fascism, it is the definition of modern day Liberals or who we call Neo-Liberals.
Stay away from Wikipedia as that website is a source of far left propaganda.
That’s cause to the left, since the proud boys ARE patriots, they MUST BE DESPISED..
This is where states need to step in and pass anti riot laws like Florida. They need to Declare BLM and antifa Terrorist organization s. .
PITY govt Dewhiner, will i fear, NEVER DO that… He’s too spineless.
WHICH IS WHY come 2022. WE IN OHIO must oust this traitor to conservatives…
Hey Betsy,
It’s Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters. Not Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.
I’m tired of you so called Journalists saying, Democratic. It’s not Democratic, it’s Democrat. Democrat Representative, Democrat Senator, Democrat Party. Get the idea? Not Democratic this or Democratic that. There is no Democratic Party, it’s Democrat Party. There is nothing Democratic about Democrats. You never see the word Republicanite used to describe Republicans or the party. So stop saying Democratic.
TELL a lie often and loud enough, and eventually people will believe it.. IMO THAT IS WHY so damn many libtard so-called journalists, keep pushing the bull, that “We are a democracy, she is democratic”.. TO try and brainwash folks into believing it.
It’s part of their intended propaganda !