All these satan worshipping DEMONcrats are all about the destruction of Israel but are all for giving the terrorists everything they want. Those that want Israel destroyed are in for a rude awakening, things are going to go very sideways for them, Isreal will come out on top and those who attack the country will be destroyed. Those in our own bunch of baboons (congress) will have a very bad time when the final prophecies hit. There are so many that are so hateful of Israel because they (Israel) knows what they are doing. In some ways the technology that Israel has far out strips anything that the USA has. 9ur technology has been hampered in more ways than one because of the demons we have running not just the country but much of the nations tech fields.
Israeli iron dome system is about 93% effective against incoming missiles and that is what has so many liberals so angry at this time, the far left libs want those hamass missiles to fall on Israel.
on 10:15 am May 24, 2021 at 10:15 am
Prov 6:16-19
There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
• haughty eyes,
• hands that shed innocent blood, (I think abortions fall into this)
• a heart that devises wicked schemes,
• feet that are quick to rush into evil,
• a false witness who pours out lies
• and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
Is it just me or does the Democrat Party support and promote all of these things??
Since 70% of Jewish voters vote for Democrats and all Jewish Congresskritters (34/37 Democrat) are silent against the Squad, shouldn’t they be somewhere on the sidelines in this cartoon as an approving audience? Silence is usually considered consent and voting certainly is.
They certainly should be.. AND IF I iwas in charge of the jewish faith, i’d be sending out massive “YOU HAVE BEEN DISOWNED BY THE RELIGION” letters to all of them.
inluminatuo on Harris Campaign Website Adds Policy Platform Page: “The great debate Tuesday will be between the Democrat smiling beguiler who consumes, taxes, then comes to our American table…” Sep 9, 09:02
inluminatuo on The Constitution Stands in Their Way, So …: ““making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”,,,,more madness…” Sep 9, 08:57
All these satan worshipping DEMONcrats are all about the destruction of Israel but are all for giving the terrorists everything they want. Those that want Israel destroyed are in for a rude awakening, things are going to go very sideways for them, Isreal will come out on top and those who attack the country will be destroyed. Those in our own bunch of baboons (congress) will have a very bad time when the final prophecies hit. There are so many that are so hateful of Israel because they (Israel) knows what they are doing. In some ways the technology that Israel has far out strips anything that the USA has. 9ur technology has been hampered in more ways than one because of the demons we have running not just the country but much of the nations tech fields.
Israeli iron dome system is about 93% effective against incoming missiles and that is what has so many liberals so angry at this time, the far left libs want those hamass missiles to fall on Israel.
Prov 6:16-19
There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
• haughty eyes,
• hands that shed innocent blood, (I think abortions fall into this)
• a heart that devises wicked schemes,
• feet that are quick to rush into evil,
• a false witness who pours out lies
• and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
Is it just me or does the Democrat Party support and promote all of these things??
That pic forgot one thing.. THey all need to be wearing facial diapers, like the little brats they are.
Since 70% of Jewish voters vote for Democrats and all Jewish Congresskritters (34/37 Democrat) are silent against the Squad, shouldn’t they be somewhere on the sidelines in this cartoon as an approving audience? Silence is usually considered consent and voting certainly is.
They certainly should be.. AND IF I iwas in charge of the jewish faith, i’d be sending out massive “YOU HAVE BEEN DISOWNED BY THE RELIGION” letters to all of them.