An attorney who works to defend free enterprise says consumers have the power to respond to the major companies who are suspending donations to the Republican legislators who were involved in the challenge of Electoral College results.

Forbes reports that more than a dozen companies are suspending contributions to Republicans through their corporate Political Action Committees (PACs). Verizon, CitiBank, bank holding company Commerce Bancshares, hotel giant Marriott International, and health insurer Blue Cross Blue Shield are among the companies.

The latter three, through their corporate PACs, had donated to at least one of the eight senators involved in the last-minute challenge during the 2020 election cycle: Marriott’s donated $1,000 apiece to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and his leadership PAC, Blue Cross Blue Shield’s donated nearly $12,000 in total to Hawley, Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Roger Marshall (R-KS), while Commerce Bancshares’ donated $2,500 to Marshall.

Justin Danhof, director of the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center for Public Policy Research, says this is more evidence of a cancel culture at work. In terms of what concerned individuals can or should do about it, he thinks the best approach would to contact local offices and branches to make their voices heard.

“Let’s just take Marriott by example,” says Danhof. “They have various properties largely managed independently, [and] I’m going to go ahead and guess that the general manager of the Residence Inn in Dubuque, Iowa isn’t interested in canceling conservatives. So, reach out to the general managers of those individual Marriotts to express your displeasure.”

Until then, Danhof suspects individual operators and branches will stay out of things.

“Contact that property,” he reiterates. “Let them know that conservatives should be able to spend time in their hotel, as well as liberals, and that you don’t agree that the company has jumped on board with the far-left calls to silence conservatives.”

Danhof and his colleagues at the Free Enterprise Project often attend shareholder meetings to bring awareness to liberal policies that companies are embracing or considering.


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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