There is nothing more aggravating in the entire liberal canon than the myth of voter suppression.

What exactly is meant by voter suppression? According to most sources, it is the effort to prevent eligible voters from exercising their right to vote.

So what are some examples of that?

Best known is the use of photo ID, requiring voters to demonstrate positively that they are the person they claim to be when they vote. But there are many other allegations of how voting is suppressed, such as requiring proof of citizenship.

Both of these common-sense requirements are widely characterized by liberals as targeting minorities and immigrants, and we are told repeatedly that minorities don’t have access to photo ID or to citizenship papers such as a birth certificate.

I don’t know about you, but every time I want to get some government service, I have to jump through mandatory hoops to prove my identity and eligibility. That goes for passports, driver licenses, Social Security card replacement — you name it.

It never occurred to me to complain that my rights were being violated. In fact, I was grateful for the government taking every possible precaution. In this age of rampant identity theft, scams and fraud, there is no reason to accept anyone’s word for anything.

Except, it seems, the right to vote! For that all-important privilege of citizenship, we are told that it would be cruel and unusual to expect anyone to have to prove they were eligible.

Maybe that’s why 20 dead people were allowed to register to vote in Harrisonburg, Virginia, recently. The applications were turned in by a voter registration group called HarrisonburgVOTES, and they probably would have gone unnoticed except for the fact that whoever submitted the phony applications unwittingly included one well-known local resident who had died just two years ago.

Harrisonburg Registrar Debbie Logan said, “applications using a deceased person’s real name and address but a false Social Security number would not be flagged in the voter system,” according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Apparently, the 20 dead people are going to remain officially registered to vote, but Logan said that if one of them attempts to vote, her office will take “appropriate” measures. Just guessing, but does that mean a stake through the heart?

There was another false alarm about phony voter registration last week that was enlightening. The Burlington, Washington, mall shooting suspect, Arcan Cetin, who immigrated here from Turkey as a child, was originally reported to be a permanent resident who had nonetheless registered to vote.

By week’s end we learned that Cetin was indeed a U.S. citizen, and therefore entitled to vote, but during the interim we discovered that Washington state like pretty much every other state operates on the honor system when it comes to citizenship.

“We don’t have a provision in state law that allows us — either county elections officials or the secretary of state’s office — to verify someone’s citizenship,” Secretary of State Kim Wyman told KING-5 TV.

Well, isn’t that peachy?

But are we surprised? Heck no. Because George-Soros-funded globalist entities and their liberal courtroom allies have been working tirelessly to force states NOT to check citizenship. Arizona had the audacity to pass a law a few years back that required potential voters to establish proof of citizenship. That was called an undue burden on minorities and ruled unconstitutional.

These same groups have suppressed voter ID laws, fought to invalidate bans on felons voting, and generally done anything they could do make it easy for improper voting to take place. States have been ordered to toe the line of U.S. regulations despite the fact that the separate states have always been in charge of their own election laws and have been able to regulate voting as they saw fit.

This is just one of many planks in the liberal platform to undermine American institutions, but because it strikes directly at the integrity of our elections, it is one of the most dangerous.

All you can say is, “It ain’t your Founding Fathers’ Constitution anymore.”


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