The sign on the podium read “Stronger Together” — but a more apt slogan would have been “Awkward Together.”

The Warren/Clinton spectacle in Cincinnati yesterday was downright surreal, beginning with their matching blue outfits. At first glance it appeared as though a Pan Am flight crew had gotten lost.

Elizabeth Warren went full oddball, repeatedly clapping her floppy seal arms, before thrusting them upward in what looked like a sign a phantom field goal had sailed through the uprights.

Her uninspired speech was safely housed inside a teleprompter and much of it can be found in her uninspired 2014 book “A Fighting Chance.” (“My daddy sold fencing and carpeting … he ended up as a maintenance man,” went the speech. “My daddy was a maintenance man,” goes the book.)

It is peculiar to hear a 67-year-old woman refer to her father as her “daddy,” but it’s also profoundly of no consequence that he once sold fencing and carpeting. Did he take a photography class, too?

She went on, “I’m the daughter of a maintenance man who made it all the way to the United States Senate. And Hillary Clinton is the granddaughter of a factory worker who is going to make it all the way to the White House.”

You see, Hillary’s grandfather is Hugh Simpson Rodham, who was born in 1879, so she is just like the rest of us working stiffs.

Not all of Warren’s speech was weird. A lot of it was just dumb.

“Washington won’t lift a finger to help. We’re here to change it,” she railed, even though the two women onstage have been part of the Washington power crowd for a combined 30 years.

The most uncomfortable moment came when Liz, between seal claps, tried comedy. “Donald Trump says he’ll Make America Great Again. It’s stamped on the front of his goofy hat!” she howled in the style of that hilarious comedian Jeb Bush. “You want to see goofy? Look at him in that hat!”

Yes, the crowd was loud. Almost as loud as a Trump rally. But despite what the compliant media will tell you, it was not a good showing for Liz Warren.

It was, as Trump put it, “goofy.”


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