Every week the snowflakes come up with a new pipe dream to get rid of Donald Trump.

The “recount” failed. Ditto the faithless electors. The emoluments clause was too boring, not to mention absurd, to ever catch fire. Impeachment? C’mon. Neocons like Bill Kristol dream of a “deep state” military coup. Overseas, deranged columnists are fantasizing about violence.

This week, the alt-left has concocted a new one — the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

Yeah, yeah! That’s the ticket! See, Trump’s crazy and, and — dude, that amendment says the Cabinet can, you know, like, remove him if he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

But like, Trump could fire the Cabinet, so, like, man, we need a new amendment so only Democrats can decide to remove an elected Republican. But dude, this is the bummer — the Republicans control most of the state Legislatures, man ….

By the way, under the 25th Amendment, if the president disagrees that he’s incapable of continuing to serve, the question goes to the Congress to decide. Refresh my memory — which party controls both houses of Congress?

And the Democrat hacks who are pushing this latest fantasy say Donald Trump is out of his mind?

Carl Bernstein, one of the CNN authors of what became known as the fake-news golden-showers story, and whose son has called Melania Trump a “hooker,” has been pushing this narrative that Trump is insane.

“His words,” Bernstein said the other day, “are an MRI of his mind.”

Whatever that means.

“And so far, that MRI is showing all kinds of masses in the brain that ought to concern not just reporters, but people all over this country because they are expressed in demagogic and frightening and treacherous words that have meaning in terms of threats to democracy.”

In other words, if Trump — or anyone else — disagrees with them, they are a “threat to democracy.”

Paranoia? Megalomania? One once-respectable magazine even speculated that Trump has neurosyphilis — no evidence, nothing, it just made some pajama boy feel good to spread a big fat lie. And then they’re offended when they get called out for spreading very fake news.

Yes, there is some mental derangement here, but it’s them, not Trump. Besides, what the hell is the alt-left so concerned about? Didn’t they just have a “Not My President Day?” If he’s not the president, what’s the problem?

One California congressman has announced that he will file legislation to assign a psychiatrist or psychologist to the White House. I guess kind of like JFK had his own doctor, Max Jacobson, aka “Dr. Feelgood.” How’d that one work out for all concerned?

They’re losing it, folks. All of Madonna’s F-bombs failed to overturn the election results. The temper tantrums on TV, the insane tweets, the disruptions of the town halls — for people who used to sometimes refer to themselves as “the reality-based community,” they seem strangely disconnected from reality.

I have another suggestion for these lawless thugs. Give up the nutty schemes to remove Trump. Instead, try to come up with some candidates and programs that might appeal to people who don’t live in Hollywood or college towns, who don’t have trust funds or EBT cards — in short, working Americans.

Maybe, just maybe, someday the Democrats could win an election.

You can now pre-order Howie’s new book, “Kennedy Babylon,” at his website, howiecarrshow.com.


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