Scruffy_USN_Retired on Trump approval rating holds steady one month into presidency: “RealClear Politics’ polling average has Trump’s numbers in a similar spot with patriotics 48.7% approving and hateful non-patriot Democrats 46.1%…” Feb 18, 09:07
Scruffy_USN_Retired on Stupid Is As Stupid Does: “78 Million Democrat party cult’s people who are hateful and mentally deranged.” Feb 18, 08:53
Scruffy_USN_Retired on CBS’ Brennan: Free Speech Caused the Holocaust: “CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, PBS “continues to serve as a propaganda mouthpiece of the far left (Democrat Party). Is…” Feb 18, 08:39
sotheseedsofliberty2 on The Chinese Sputnik: “Suntzu” To Fight And Concur in All Your Battles Is Not Supreme Excellance, SUpreme Excellance ConsIsts Of Weakening Your Enemies…” Feb 18, 06:54
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