on 11:24 am October 28, 2023 at 11:24 am
Was the Obama/Biden administration, now it’s the puppet Biden/Obama administration.
Same destructive policies, same treasonous objectives, same woke agendas. 🙁 🙁 🙁
And the Democrat Party’s “Useful Idiots” still bow down to this demonic, Democrat cult.
on 7:16 am October 29, 2023 at 7:16 am
Obama’s reaction to reporters asking him if failing to back up his 2012 “red line” challenge may have damaged his credibility. His answer is shockingly immature and petulant, saying “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”
Our President is again passing responsibility for his own behavior onto someone else.
This must be very embarrassing to liberals and Democrats.
Answering the question of credibility, the President sniffed, “My credibility isn’t on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line.” The President of the United States is throwing an international temper tantrum while “the world” mocks him.
It mattered not if it was him, or ‘the rest of the world’, that set the redline. WHEN THAT LINE got violated, no one DID A DAMN THING.. Its like parents who warn their kid “Don’t do that”. WHEN THE KID INevitably does it, and NO Punishment comes, let alone swift punishment, THEY LEARN warnings are hollow and meaningless.
Remember “Obama Bin Biden?” He’s Obumer’s third term.
Was the Obama/Biden administration, now it’s the puppet Biden/Obama administration.
Same destructive policies, same treasonous objectives, same woke agendas. 🙁 🙁 🙁
And the Democrat Party’s “Useful Idiots” still bow down to this demonic, Democrat cult.
AND same damn cowardice in the face of Iran/china etc.
Obama’s reaction to reporters asking him if failing to back up his 2012 “red line” challenge may have damaged his credibility. His answer is shockingly immature and petulant, saying “I didn’t set a red line. The world set a red line.”
Our President is again passing responsibility for his own behavior onto someone else.
This must be very embarrassing to liberals and Democrats.
Answering the question of credibility, the President sniffed, “My credibility isn’t on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line.”
The President of the United States is throwing an international temper tantrum while “the world” mocks him.
It mattered not if it was him, or ‘the rest of the world’, that set the redline. WHEN THAT LINE got violated, no one DID A DAMN THING.. Its like parents who warn their kid “Don’t do that”. WHEN THE KID INevitably does it, and NO Punishment comes, let alone swift punishment, THEY LEARN warnings are hollow and meaningless.