We on the conservative Right are quick to castigate “The Swamp” and the “Deep State” in Washington, DC, and rightly so. Neither serve the American people, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, whatever denomination. But just under the indignation is a reluctant acceptance. We love to complain but when the rubber hits the road, we never really do anything about it.
How many times have you complained about Congress only to defend your own Congress creature? I know I have done it. And how many times has your party begged for money from you so they can “target” so-and-so on the other side in the next election?
Today, I am taking square aim at one of our own, not to remove him from office – no I will not acquiesce to the “cancel culture” lunacy, but to demote him from leadership. I am doing so because he does not serve the people, he does not serve the party, he just serves himself and his lust for power and control.
Consider this statement, made by a Republican in leadership in the US Senate just moments after former-President Trump was acquitted for a second time at an impeachment trail, an impeachment that again was based on nothing:
“There’s no question – none – that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of [January 6th]. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president…The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”
These are the words of the highest-ranking Republican in Washington, DC, currently, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). And more inaccurate and unproductive they could not be.
First and foremost, I reject that there was no chicanery in the 2020 General Election.
We had a cowardly US Supreme Court that refused to hear a seminal case in whether states whose executive branches formulated election law in fat violated the US Constitution, as the Constitution vests that power solely with the state legislatures.
We had routine violations of election law in several key states – and within those states critical urban areas – that saw poll watchers and credentialed Republican election officials tantamount to being forcefully excluded from the ballot counting process.
And in those same battleground states, we saw ballot counting stop, poll workers released from duty, and then counting begin again with anointed skeleton crews.
All of these instances, all of these points, are valid complaints that McConnell should have been screaming about in real time. But what did we hear? A low-toned reluctant complaint that was drown out by just about any other audible sound on the planet.
The man who should have been leading the charge for the Republican rank-and-file was sitting on his hands, too concerned with retaining his own seat and, in fact, riding on President Trump’s accomplishment coattails to do so.
McConnell failed to hold the majority in the US Senate during the 2020 General Election.
McConnell single-handedly lost the two run-off races in Georgia with his blunder about not wanting to pass a $2,000 COVID relief package. That blunder – and make no mistake, it was a colossal blunder – cost the Republicans control of the Senate and sentenced the American people to two years of one-party rule at the hand of the most totalitarian, fascist administration ever to sit in the Oval Office.
And how doe Republicans in Washington, DC, punish McConnell for his failures, for his disloyalty, for his selfish exploitation of his elected position? They re-elect him t o leadership, this time as Senate Minority Leader.
How stupid are the Senate Republicans to do this? I have to say abundantly so.
McConnell wasn’t done with his caustic, unproductive screed – a screed that, mind you, offended 75 million voters (how stupid is McConnell?):
“President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he’s in office…He didn’t get away with anything yet.”
Sounds as though he wants an investigation, a prosecution. It certainly sounds like he will join with Democrats should they try to invoke the 14th Amendment against the former-President.
A person who holds these positions and who has presided over the litany of failures, such as McConnell has, who has effectively forced the Republican Party to be subservient to a group of people who actually hate the United States, well, that person – Mitch McConnell – should not be in a position of leadership, and most definitely not the Senate Minority Leader.
It is time for Senate Republicans to call an emergency meeting and remove McConnell from leadership. It is time for the “go along to get along”, “it’s my turn” Republican apparatus to be destroyed and for a new era of constitutionally minded, limited government Republicans to talk the helm.
McConnell’s day has long passed. His devotion to the swamp is proof of that.
Frank Salvato is the executive partner at The CompassPoint Group, LLC. He is the host of The Underground and RightMinded podcasts as heard on iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and anywhere podcasts are heard. He is a national political writer for National File. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His analysis has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, and Accuracy in Media, and is nationally syndicated. Mr. Salvato appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is the author of six books examining internal and external threats facing our country. He can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” radio program syndicated nationally on the Salem Broadcasting Network and Genesis Communications affiliate stations.
Mitch, Once a RINO always a RINO. Deep State Mitch, who betrayed Trump, along with the rest of the traitor RINOS. The people better wake up. Mitch is one of several RINOS, who sold us out to China. So convenient for his wife’s father, to have a shipping business with communist China. Screw America, right open borders Mitch. Sell us out to open borders and sell us out to communist China. Disgraceful traitors!!!!!!!
When the RINO McConnell turns against the WiLL of 74 Million U.S. voters and betrays President Donald Trump, he proved that he is a member of the DC cesspool swamp.
This traitor has NO business pretending to serve the people.
This disgraceful Mitch McConnell has betrayed Kentucky, and the U.S. citizens.
He has joined the Nancy Pelosi Democrat hate cult and should be removed from office!! 👿
HAS turttle neck, EVER SERVED we the people??
Mitch is another China brown nosed puppet!
Write/call your republican senators and DEMAND that they call a special meeting to remove mcconnell from his “leadership” position. He is a fair and disgrace in every way.
Unfortunately I am in Arizona and “my” Senators are Democrats and in Lockstep with Pelosi. McConnel said ” ““There’s no question – none – that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of [January 6th]”. My question is Did he ASK ANY of them or just listen to his Deep State operatives?
He just decided to go ahead and do whatever Obama asked him to do! Obama is driving this bus! Brown nosed puppet Beijing Biden, the Biden Crime Family Patriarch has no say in this administration. That is why Harris is watching him like a hawk, watching his every move!
Writing and calling them, IMO IS a waste of bloody time these days.. WE need to get IN THEIR FACES personally, to get any action done.
Take the type of action that Maxipad Waters commanded her followers to do….. get in their faces and let them know they are not welcome.
I’m in Texas and we Ted, who I love, and Cronyn, who seems to always vote opposite Ted. In 6 years we MUST vote him out. As for congressmen, I’ve been screwed since moving back to the 18 yrs ago. First we had Ron Paul, he was was useless. Then we had Pete Olsen, nice guy but useless. Now, we have the worst, Troy Nehls, he is beyond useless, he is an incompetent boob.
mitch should have been removed years ago he is weak and feckless and cares NOTHING OF CONSERVATIVES.
Exactly. THESE hacks, shouldn’t have a retirement pension plan, that makes ALL OF OUR pensions look like pocket change.
Yes we need to cut these old farts out of the equations. The golden parachutes must stop!
Yes he should be removed from leadership, let him retire with his wife to China
where he will be regarded as a true patriot but not here in what will be left
of America that will be degraded significantly by the swamp……….William
I asked a month ago to see his CCP portfolio.
You see, even the Right wing “nuts” are afraid to do what we must!
I want to CANCEL every traitor! I want them out of any position of power! I do not want “diversity” inside the Right! You are either pro USA or you are the enemy! Period!
We are not talking about people not liking a color or a fruit. We are talking about people not respecting the constitution and our constitutional rights!
Cancel them! Remove them! Make them suffer!
And not just those in congress, but in EVERY FACET of government.. That includes the IRS, DEA, EPA, DoE, Dept of indoctrination etc…
Time to remove Mcconnell from his leadership position.He is more danger the party than good.
If i had the power, i’d remove him (AND the rest of the traitors), from the face of the PLANET.. Send them all into deep space, on a one way trip!
Couldn’t agree more. McConnell KNOWS he owes his re-election to Trump. He KNOWS that Trump stated to “peacefully” protest and hold their elected officials accountable. He needs to go, and needs to go now, along with the other 7 senators whom I hope will be removed from office by being primaried out. McConnell should also know that HE also is accountable for his actions against 74 million voters whom he disenfranchised.
Beijing Mitch has made a fortune from his in-laws China business and other “adventures.” Why should the taxpayers still be paying him? Too bad he wasn’t primaried last year.
Mitch should have been gone decades ago, the problem is NOT what he is doing now, his betrayal. The real question is, how long has he been a traitor, one does not change overnight? How long and how many times has he sold us out and kept it out of sight? How many deals has he cut with the Left, throwing us all under the bus? What all has he done that we know nothing of?
It was time for Mitch to go 20 years ago..
With respect to “Cocaine” Mitch, I blame the low-information voters of Kentucky!
All it takes is for THEM so say “No mas!” and elect SOMEONE (anyone) else!
Hell, even if they vote FOR a Democrat, they will have REMOVED Mitch McConnell, and helped drain the swamp!
Yes!!! It is time for McConnell to go. Republicans need a conservative as their Senate leader. McConnell, a Washington establishment politician, consistently sends mixed messages that are a Republican Party detriment.
The white rabbit-faced traitor has ZERO fear now that his beloved establishment is back in the saddle–it’s full speed ahead. He and Chinese wifie can continue their dealings with the CCP and pedophilia.
Mitch must go? I ask, why stop there, what reason do you have for letting at least 100 or so more of the traitors stay? I am confused, 100s of gop traitors did not have the balls to stand up for YOU, in your darkest hour, what kind of person would accept this mentality in a foxhole and survive very long? There were some who stuck with us, a majority did not, support those who did, screw those who did not. it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ascertain WHO stood for you, I DON’T CARE WHAT THEY TELL YOU THEY DID, you are responsible for confirming what they really did, they will lie and spin, DO NOT ALLOW IT. I have several whom I have donated to, people who I really thought were with me, when the chips were down, they were not, others were sniveling cowards, at least they did not disappoint, I knew what they would do beforehand. The excuse by some of the cowards that, we were limited by the constitution from doing more, is a **** out by a pu##y, who does not deserve to be there. THERE IS NOT A THING IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT SAYS, you cannot demand an investigation. The so called “insurrection” on that day has been blown out of proportion by leftist democrats, rino repubs and the media and it all could have been prevented by “simply listening to your constituents” that is all that was asked. People came that day to be heard, YOUR REPRESENATIVES failed YOU. The gop is dead, any new party MUST cull out ANY from the old party who failed us, they blew any chance, they are done.
MS. PELOSI…..TEAR DOWN THIS WALL! (Around Beijing, D.C.)
Walls don’t work!
Build bridges not walls!
Blah, blah, blah….
She”ll say “That was only regarding the border wall.. WHICH I hear they are ALREADY DEMANDING get tore down.
Poor President Trump – I bet he really did not realize just how deep the Deep State really is. It is the entire government, those of whom are upwardly mobile, minus a small army of file clerks and gophers who do what the boss orders them to do in order to stay out of trouble.
I remember the payroll deduction for United Way with 100% participation that garnered a plaque of appreciation to our CEO for his ego wall – wotta guy! Same deal in government – vote Democrat or you will be transferred to some ******** and never see another promotion because they can always investigate the “secret ballots” when they feel the need.
I hesitate to condemn Sen McConnel for what he did re Trump and the Riots. He’s been above average as a Conservative and a bulldog when it mattered to approve conservative judges to SCOTUS. Hard to replace with someone who could actually get elected in Ky which is the key thing to remember when you want to suddenly “Dump” somebody.
In the Senate, made up of 100 of the most powerful people in the world, a lot of delicate chemistry exists between members that the public seldom hears about or has reason to know about. So far Schumer hasn’t dumped the filibuster and you can not assume that McConnel didn’t have to invest some “skin” in that matter. Furthermore, just because Harris can cast a winning vote in a tie of 50-50 that is the limit of a VP’s power. They have none at the committee level and Mitch is probably still negotiating for a 50-50 even match of members at the committee level.
Cards are being played and we have to be patient to see how Mitch handles it all to be fair with him. The dust is still settling.
If McConnell can’t say anything good about Trump he should just keep his mouth shut. If anyone should know the Democrats are just putting on a baseless show trial it should be him. Why do they continue to go along with the Democrats and their mind game? They only make themselves look weak and stupid in the face of a tyrannical police state the Democrats are constructing. Ever heard of going on offense?
So IYO, its “Better keep the devil we know”..??
It is long since time for McConnell to be replaced. He has been in charge while the Republican Party devolved from representing their constituency to becoming the Spelunkican party, always looking for new ways to cave.
If the Party had good leadership it would have objected like heck to election fraud before and during it happening. It would have never allowed the Democrats to do all the myriad things they did without consequences. He would never have allowed the Justice Department and the FBI to become completely corrupted. He enabled the current state of near-total control by the Left that is victimizing those who fought for the country and who stand for the principles that made it the most successful country in the history of the planet.
Now there are two big struggles for the party:
1. Find out what happened during the election and mitigate it so we can have free and fair elections in 2022. Get at the facts and ignore the barking dog Democratic Pravda media since they are predictable and full of noise;
2. Stand up for individual rights and not let them be canceled in the name of woke liberal mob rule and turned into group rights.
Without struggle 1 the party would be better off not showing up in 2022 and humiliating itself and its constituency.
Anybody who thinks that Mitch McConnell was responsible for the loss of the Georgia Senate seats has no credibility whatsoever. 90% of the blame for those losses can be attributed directly to Trump who idiotically raised the irresponsible $2000 per person payment in the first place in an attempt to embarrass Republican Senators and who made the runoff election all about him. Trump’s involvement also boosted Democrat turnout because he is reviled by Democrats. Trump rightly should be blamed for the loss of the Senate not McConnell who has been the best Majority Leader in my lifetime.
A trained monkey, could have been a better senate majority leader than Mitch!!
I have no confidence in our govt. From the so-called president slow Joe Biden and camel toe Harris along with the FBI, CIA, NSA, Congress, and the Senate. They are all in it for power and money. Constitution means squat to them. We had the best Cresident in over 50 years and they spent 4 1/2 years tearing him down. The idiot in the White House is out to destroy this great nation and do it fast.