Honest Americans are aghast at the seeming obsession of leftist Democrats (with support from the usual cadre of RINO traitors) to continue pursuing a wholly unprecedented, unwarranted, and unconstitutional “impeachment” of President Trump after he is no longer in the White House. A little “Constitution 101” for those who are in doubt, the sole purpose of impeachment is to remove an unfit occupant from office. In the wake of the stolen 2020 election, President Trump is already out. So absolutely no legal premise can be claimed for this latest bout of leftist Democrat idiocy.
As a result of the flagrant chicanery that occurred on Election Day and in its aftermath, Americans who believe in honesty and decency are outraged. And given the enormity of actual turnout for Trump in the 2020 election, that is a massive number of people who remain adamant that the election theft be dealt with. Allowing it to stand abominates and nullifies the Constitution and the rule of law in America.
In response, leftists are redoubling their efforts to suppress, and ultimately erase, any mention of the theft, vainly hoping that the current situation will at some point be regarded as “normal.” Consider it history revision on steroids. But Americans aren’t buying any of it, so the left has to continually expand its efforts.
Make no mistake. President Trump is not the actual target of this onslaught. The second sham impeachment is not intended as an indictment or conviction of him, but as an indictment and conviction of the eighty million (and likely more) Americans who voted for him last November. The goal of the leftist Democrats is to tell us that our President, and more importantly our votes, are “invalid.” But their success in convincing us to shut up and grant them this uncontested power is by no means guaranteed.
The scheme will either succeed or fail based entirely on whether or not Americans allow themselves to be cowed into abandoning reality under threats and pressure from the left. Refusal to cave to leftist demands could cause the whole criminal endeavor to backfire. A resolute opposition to them would unmask much more than just their latest criminal abuses of power.
So, rather than giving any credence to leftist grandstanding, real America should use the flagrantly political and unconstitutional nature of this second sham impeachment to spotlight total lawlessness and depravity of leftists whenever they achieve dominance. This would also serve to invalidate the lies, abuses, and unconstitutional nature of the first sham impeachment conducted by leftist Democrat criminals in January of last year. Faced down by a nation that refuses to embrace all of the fraud and corruption, both episodes can be branded as absurd, which would be wholly fitting.
In a rare moment of professed devotion to the Constitution, Chief “Justice” John Roberts has refused to participate in the charade, proving that on some occasions, the leftist sewer is even too vile and disreputable for him. So leftist Democrats were quick to improvise, substituting far-left Senator Patrick Leahy (D.-VT) as master of ceremonies for the circus. And from this, “We the People” are supposed to believe the great pillars of the American ideal are being upheld.
Meanwhile, Americans are being pummeled from every angle with demands by the leftist political/media/big-tech axis to abandon their awareness of how the 2020 presidential election was stolen from them. The thoroughly politicized Department of Homeland “Security” now deems it not only “terrorism,” but “violence” if one dares deny government claims of “validity” of the election. This is the stuff of third world despotism. But like any disease, it will only continue to opportunistically spread if not forcibly dealt with.
The plan is as transparent as cellophane. Every leftist Fake News reference to the election begins with a recitation of the leftist Democrat catechism that the 2020 election was the most noble, honorable, and genuine election in US history, followed by incessant genuflections at the altar of leftist propaganda in each subsequent sentence, reaffirming as much. Holocaust deniers only wish they could achieve even a fraction of such fealty to the lie.
Each step of the way, the effort to suppress the reality of the 2020 election theft becomes necessarily more massive and widespread, but also more fragile. The bigger and more expansive the lie, the more exposed and obvious are its inconsistencies. So new lies and new excuses have to be cooked up every day to put patches over the old ones, or the whole phony construct collapses. The vastness of the leftist effort to cram this genie back into the bottle does not connote strength, but vulnerability.
Last month’s House impeachment charade was itself an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law, being conducted in a single morning, with no witnesses, no testimony, no cross examinations, and no effort to accomplish anything other than putting a “fig leaf” over the obscenity that has been the U.S. Congress under the malignant control of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. Their latest disgraceful follow up action only serves to ensure that going forward, every Republican President can be guaranteed one or two “impeachment” spectacles, every time the leftist Democrats need to do some fundraising.
Leftists are counting on the good people of America simply rolling over, as we’ve sadly done too many times for them in the past. Now they are actually seeking to convince us that we either didn’t see the election theft, or that it’s our “patriotic duty” to pretend it never happened. In the end it is an attack on all of the great Americans who rallied to President Trump’s leadership and patriotism. RINO traitors in the Congress and elsewhere who give it any credence are trampling the Constitution and every vestige of the American ideal, right along with the Democrats. We will either stand fast against them all, and thereby consign all of their kind to what Reagan deemed the “Ash Heap of History,” or see our once great country taken there and discarded. The choice is in our hands.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
The Gestapo, the Stasi, the communists and Lou Dobbs got fired, because Dobbs stood up against the secret police and the communists. Our Country is a lawless disgrace and the Supreme Court and other courts throughout our Country, are complicit, in the crimes being committed against our Nation.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State”, political officers and Gestapo are just getting started.
You will be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified
as “Enemies of the State”.
”Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, labeled US President Donald Trump, his supporters and the Republican Party
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State.”
It becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension,
the truth is the greatest enemy of the “State.”
I have to take issue with the “socialist democrat state” comment ..there Sarge… these are communist occupiers of washington… from what I see… that’s how things are being set up in that cesspool swamp they call washington… with everything being barricaded in.
Hence why IF we ever win back control, ALL OF THOSE COURTS need to be swiftly and firmly punished, FOR THEIR complicitness IN ALL Of this… Especially the scrubs on the scotus.
We tried to elect decent people to represent us but that has fallen to the wayside when their true intentions were brought to light. By then it was too late they already had their foot in the door of America. Do not be discouraged justice and decency will prevail in spite of the evil ones who desire to remove God from every and any aspect of America. The left cannot stop us from praying that God will protect America from them.
The same social pathology that drives these elected extremists like Pelosi and Schiff is the same pathology that made them steal the election, and the same pathology that forces them in a “destined to fail” Trump impeachment, to act as a mental palliative to assuage their own feelings of guilt, and more specifically their ever-present fears of getting found out. Classic guilt pathology where the guilty mind tries to attack imagined sins of what they see in others, of the very things they have actually acted out in themselves. Perhaps they will open in investigation, ther very can of worms that convicts themselves.
John 14:1
1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
Matthew 10:16-22
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, 18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles. 19 When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. 20 For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. 21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, 22 and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Behold, the book of Revelation is becoming reality.
IMO, god’s already LEFT america… IF Prayer worked, then these commucrats wouldn’t have WON SO many elections….
I used to think the same thing. Then I learned that God does not interfere in politics. He allows things to play out…and eventually truth will prevail. Evil always gets exposed. Sometimes it takes centuries. But it does get exposed.
IF it takes centuries, i won’t care, as i’ll be long dead.
This **** will not stand…if it does the free republic has died by the hands of the socialist’s on 11/3/2020!
You cannot validate criminality with more criminality, period!
To the minds of leftists, yes they can.. AND COURT after court, seems to certify them doing so.
Whether you voted for Trump the man, Trump’s policies, or against the Democrat’s policies, the election was stolen, pure and simple. At this point, we need to be united as Republicans or just as citizens against the Democrat’s policies and flood our “representative’s” emails, voicemails, and mail boxes with our demands. If they don’t listen, we need to find representatives who will and make sure they are voted into office. At this point, our best line of defense is a united front.
I’m afraid it is too late; even the RINO’s are going to get chewed up and spit out from here on out with the DemonRats!!
ANd where exactly, do you see us being able to form a unified front, wen SO MANY IN THE DAMNABLE Gop, are just as rotten as the commucrats are?!
There is no such thing as united republicans because we all found out the hard way the republicans are nothing but RINOs.
These days, i wonder, are there any republicans WHO ARE NOT damnable rinos??
Saul Alinsky championed and sought to emulate Lucifer, otherwise known as Satan.
Alinsky’s game plan was to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to control the American people and bring American commerce to its knees.
This was/is the Training, teachings and following of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and joe Biden.
Get ready for a whole new round of shrieking from Democrats (of course, including the [so-called] “Main Stream” media) when the SCOTUS takes up (and, eventually, rules on) the plethora of Election law violations (aka, CHEATING)!
What is MOST disturbing over the current Kangaroo Court impeachment, is Chief Justice Roberts NOT making a clear and concise STATMENT OF FACT, that his refusal to preside over the senate “trial”, is BECAUSE this impeachment trial IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
His lack of “testicular fortitude” demonstrates his LACK of leadership (and should disqualify him as the Chief Justice altogether)!
That said, I can just imagine Joe Biden trying to appoint a NEW (Liberal) Chief Justice (who would have been more than happy to preside over a Trump impeachment trial)!
appointed by a ‘moderate(communist leaning)’ pResident bush.
expecting ‘better’ would be pushing reality to its limits….
Don’t Worry, I’m sure the Big Tech Guys and Soros are coming up with a big big number to give the so called conservative judges as a severance package for retirement (bigger than what any Government retirement package can provide) in order to pack the court with the most liberal judges money can buy!! When that happens you can say good bye to the United States for what it was!!
You assume the scotus WILL take those cases up. From what i’ve seen of those roaches, i fear they won’t.. OR IF THEY DO, they will rule IN THE DEMS favor.
I have read both Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” and Adamo’s “Rules for Defeating Radicals”. I have also read a 10-rule version of Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto” which appears to be the very guidebook that Obama followed in formulating his policies. So far it looks as though Marx and Alinsky have won, and that Adamo’s rules will have little or no effect in countering the outright theft of an election. One reason the leftists won this round is their tremendous outpouring of funds to support their candidates’ advertising and another is the collusion of the tech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to suppress the facts of Biden’s and his son Hunter’s scandalous behavior in accepting funds from both the Ukrainians and China. A second major reason is the desertion of its conservative audience by FOX news. But the most important reason the leftists won is their rigging of both the paper balloting and the Dominion voting machines and their software. All of these issues will have to be addressed if the GOP is ever to win another election.
You are soooo currect.
In 2008, I was appalled with BOTH candidates for president and voted for Romney. Obama won pretty much fair and square.
In 2012, I was again appalled and voted for McCain. Again, Obama won pretty much fair and square.
The 8 years of socialism / communism in the Obama administration were very painful but I accepted that “elections have consequences” such as Obama thrust upon America and the world. It is, nonetheless, amazing how stupid voters vote in stupid officials who make voters lives much much worse.
The 2020 election was obviously a fraud and a pathetic fiction. Far more people voted for Trump than the “official count” says and far less voted for Biden. TRUMP WON THE ELECTION.
Biden is NOT the president. Everything he does or attempts to do lacks any hint of credibility or authority. Thus, I have zero respect for Biden and his appointees. There is no need to obey anything he orders.
America is tragicly divided / shattered by the fake presidency. The communist agenda is profoundly unacceptable. If Biden remains in office, there MUST be a separation of free states who support the Constitution from the states currently supporting slavery to the communist revolutionaries in DC.
and the party of (r) fought against the only THREAT to the continuation of their destruction of America, INCLUDING 2 former presidents campaigning against the future PRESIDENT TRUMP because he WAS AN ACTUAL THREAT!
PRESIDENT TRUMP destroyed much of what they had accomplished before turning the reins over to obama to finish the job.
NOW I urge people to go to their local party offices, learn the system, get involved and TAKE OVER THE PARTY from the bottom up.
YOU, as Citizens have an OBLIGATION to protect the Nation. Citizenship carries Duties and Obligations.
The PEOPLE need to control the grassroots so President TRUMP can gain support and CONTROL OVER the nation party.
Are you certain, biden won both times, fair and square?? FOR ALL WE know, their fraud machine was in full swing BACK THEN too.
To correct your misstatements. Obama did NOT win fair and square. He was not qualified to assume the office of President. His father was never an American citizen.
The Democrats thought during the Gore candidacy and the Kerry candidacy that 7% fraudulent votes would be enough to steal the election. So when Obama was running, they increased their fraud to 10 percent which was apparently enough. When Hillary was running, they had convinced themselves and the polls and the press that Hillary was a shoe-in and didn’t even need to campaign, no less cheat, and she lost big!
So when Sleepy Joe the perv, campaigned from his basement and ran a worthless campaign against a President who had undone all the problems Obama caused, the Democrats figured they got away with it before without repercussions, Heck! we need to have 20% voter fraud because Trump was going to win with a landslide. The Democrats were so confident they wouldn’t get caught, they didn’t bother to hide the fraud.
AND they knew, their bully tactics, would COERCE judges to either REFUSE to see the evidence, OR Those judges were already IN THE commucrats pockets… So even if it WAS caught, they knew they’d be able to get away with it.
A phony impeachment trial validates nothing but the vindictiveness of the globalists un-American Swamp Creatures.
The faux impeachment was planned well before the rally on the 6th, as was the Antifa infiltrators that incited the violence, it was all part of the same plan that had three goals. First, to halt the presentation of any evidence, that the corrupt courts have refused to hear, on the House floor, as the media was unable to hide the evidence, with live C-Span coverage.
Then the impeachment was to be used to distract Trump supporters, knowing full well that they could not impeach, that was NEVER the goal, it was only the distraction they wanted, thinking that after Trump was acquitted, his supporters are so stupid that they would somehow be appeased and no longer question the stolen election.
All to obfuscate their real intent, which is to paint all conservatives as a threat to the nation, to push through new laws to further limit our Rights and attempt to disarm us all.
It is a very dangerous mistake to ever think that the Left has a singular objective, as there are ALWAYS be ulterior motives and agendas. As devious and demented as you could ever imagine, they are always two steps below that!
By trying to impeach and convict President Trump, the corrupt, leftist/commucrat fraudsters themselves are admitting he is the legal and rightful president. And that is the same reason the Soros owned Roberts refused to preside over the trial, even if it is a sham. By his actions, he would be legally declaring that Trump is still the POTUS.
If the Democrats are saying they can impeach Trump again, are they also saying that he is still the President? If Crazy Nancy really impeaches Trump she is in danger of installing him back as the rightful President.
Looks like the Democrats are changing the rules again.
WHEN have they not changed the rules, to suit JUST THEM…?
If George Washington came back today, He would look around and wonder what he did that was so awful that the country would name such a vile swamp after him.
There’s days i’ve often wondered. IF we could really speak to the spirits of our departed ancestors and founders, HOW MANY of them would say “GEE, maybe we shouldn’t have even bothered giving our lives, to become a free nation from the UK”.
OR how many of our slain troops, would have said “Why did we waste our lives fighting Germany, when we should have been fighting Communism, TILL THERE WAS NO commies left in the world”?
The 2020 Presidential election was not stolen. Biden got 7 million votes more than Trump.
Come back to reality.