It’s not illegal for key players in the Barack Obama administration to give the OK to the sale of American uranium to Russia.

But it is sorta funny that Obama-era top dogs — like Hillary Clinton, with the State Department — would duck and dodge and feign ignorance about the seedier details of the sale, particularly since the FBI apparently had been investigating Russia for bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering, as related to Vladimir Putin’s hopes to bolster atomic energy production inside the United States.

It’s a hmm moment, at the very least.

It’s a “who knew what and when” type of situation.


Because the Justice Department — again, under Obama — refused to bring any sort of charges against Russia in 2010, when the alleged scandals were first coming to light. In fact, Justice just kept a tight lip on the whole matter for four full years, letting Congress and the American people think everything about U.S.-Russia dealings were A-OK, all up front, good to go and all’s clear here.

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So if Clinton knew about the FBI’s suspicions, the question is, why did she fail to exert her State Department and Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States influence to halt or stop the uranium sale?

And if she didn’t know anything — well, why not?

Once again, like most things Clinton, what we’re left with is a bad taste in the mouth — a sour suspicion that something’s not quite right.

And once again, there’s a money trail to pursue, and this one is Russian tied, to the tune of at least $2.35 million and coincidentally, it leads right back to the Clinton Foundation — though nothing definitive has emerged that shows a quid pro quo, political favor for cash donations.

But once again — it’s a shadowy Clinton-tied dealing.

Perhaps the former FBI informant who’s gag order was just lifted by the Justice Department can shed some light.

Perhaps we can at least answer this one question — who knew what and when did they know it — and from there, trace back just why the Clinton Foundation received this $2.35 million in cash that was curiously not publicly disclosed.

Let’s hope so. Americans have been bombarded with accusations about President Donald Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia to steal away the 2016 election. But the real colluders may very well be lurking in the background, giggling at the political distractions and media circuses that have roped in Trump. Perhaps this FBI informant — who’s been given the go-ahead to speak on everything tied to the uranium deal, the Clinton Foundation and key players — is just the mole who can bring the light.

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