A California university is bowing to the demands of black activists and offering segregated housing for African-American students.

After demands last year by the Black Student Union at California State University-Los Angeles for separate housing for black students, this year the school has made such accommodations. The student group cited frequent “racist attacks” and “microagressions.”

A spokesman for the school says the segregated housing also will focus on “academic excellence and learning experiences that are inclusive and non-discriminatory.”

Ted Hayes of Project 21 (The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives) argues the students who made the demands are being manipulated. “First of all, it’s no fault of white people that this is going on in that sense,” he says. “This is a bunch of ignorant black people being manipulated by foreign enemies and domestic enemies.”

Hayes says that by getting their way, these students will ultimately do themselves in.

“These are a bunch of ignorant students who do not know the history of why there is racism,” he says. “And … they’re going to back themselves into a corner of contradiction. What I think Cal State should do ­–­ I would say ‘let them have it, let them have this’ – and it will fail.”

The College Fix reports Cal State LA is not the only school. The University of Connecticut and the University of California-Davis and UC-Berkeley also offer segregated housing for black students.


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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